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Oracle® Database Installation Guide
10g Release 2 (10.2) for hp Tru64 UNIX

Part Number B25300-01
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 


Access Manager for AS/400, H.4
reviewing, 5.4
unauthenticated access to, 5.5.2
Advantage family of databases, H.4
identifying AdvFS file systems, 2.11.5
aio_task_max_num subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
aliases, multiple on computers, 2.4.4
unauthenticated account access with, 5.5.2
APPC-enabled databases, H.4
APPC-enabled systems, H.4
applications, migrating non-Oracle applications to Oracle, H.3
applications-based workflows, H.3
AS/400 applications, accessing Oracle database, H.4
ASM See Automatic Storage Management
asmcmd utility, 3.5.4
authorized problem analysis report
Automatic Storage Management
asmcmd utility, 3.5.4
block and character device names, 2.11.5
changing owner and permissions of disks, 2.11.5
characteristics of failure groups, 2.11.2
checking disk availability, 2.11.5
configuring disks, 2.11.1, 2.11.3, 2.11.5
considerations before installing, 3.5.1
DAS disks, 2.11.4
database creation for, 3.5.3
disk devices,
disk groups, 2.11.2
disks, supported, 2.11.4
Enterprise Manager Migrate Database wizard, 3.5.2
failure groups
examples, 2.11.2, 2.11.2
identifying, 2.11.2
identifying available disks, 2.11.5
identifying disks, 2.11.5
installation, testing, 3.5.4
installing, 3.5
managing, 5.3.2
migrating existing databases to, 3.5.2
mirroring, 2.11.2
Optimal Flexible Architecture file naming conventions, C.3.3
Oracle Clusterware,
Oracle home location for new installation, 3.5.1
partition creation, 2.11.4
password file, 3.5.1
recommendations for disk groups, 2.11.2
redundancy levels, 2.11.2
removing, 6.4
response files, A.1.2
running multiple databases on a single server, 3.5.1
SAN disks, 2.11.4
space required for preconfigured database, 2.11.2
SPFILE server parameter file, 3.5.1
starting and stopping, 5.3.1
storage option for data files, 2.9, 2.9
upgrade advantages with separate Oracle homes, 3.5.1
Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
ASM disk group templates,
Automatic Storage Management disk groups
creating, 3.5.2
managing, 5.3.2
Automatic Storage Management failure groups
Automatic Storage Management instance
creating, 3.5.2


backups of database
Oracle Database Recovery Manager, H.2
base directory
See Oracle base directory
Bash shell
default user startup file, 2.13
.bash_profile file, 2.13
Basic installation type
noninteractive installations, A.3.2
block and character device names, 2.11.5
block device
device name, 2.11.5
Bourne shell
default user startup file, 2.13


C compiler
requirement, 2.3
C shell
default user startup file, 2.13
certification, hardware and software, 1.6.1
character device
device name, 2.11.5
Character Set Scanner, 1.7
checking disk availability for Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.5
checking kernel subsystem attributes, 2.6
checking version, 2.3
chmod command, 2.8.2, 2.10.3, 2.11.5
chown command, 2.8.2, 2.10.3, 2.11.5
CLASSPATH environment variable,
client static library, generating, 4.2.5
Oracle home, G
Cluster Manager
ports, ranges and protocol, D.3
Cluster Ready Services (CSS). See Oracle Clusterware
Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS)
Automatic Storage Management,
ports, ranges and protocol, D.3
installation guidelines, 3.2
See also Oracle Clusterware, Oracle Real Application Clusters
installed before Oracle Database, 3.2
Clusterware. See Oracle Clusterware
COBOL compiler
requirement, 2.3
requirement, 2.3, 2.3
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), 4.3.7
primary, 4.3.7
computers with multiple aliases, 2.4.4
computers, non-networked, 2.4.5
configuration assistants
failure, F.5.1
troubleshooting, F.5, F.5
configuring disks for Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.1, 2.11.3, 2.11.5
configuring kernel parameters, 2.6
Connection Manager
ports, ranges and protocol, D.3
connectivity tools
Oracle Procedural Gateway
about, H.4
Oracle Transparent Gateway
about, H.4
See also databases, non-Oracle
control files
locating, 5.8.3
naming, C.3.3
reviewing, 5.8
using Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control with, 5.8.3
CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter, 5.8.3
download location for MQSeries, 2.3
requirements, 2.3
custom database
failure groups for Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.2
requirements when using Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.2, 2.11.2
Custom installation type
reasons for choosing, 2.5
custom.rsp file, A.3.1


DAS (direct attached storage) disks, 2.11.4
data files
creating separate directories for, 2.10.3
defined, 5.8.1
managing with Automatic Storage Management,
minimum disk space for, 2.10.1
naming, C.3.3
options for placing on file system, 2.10
recommendations for file system, 2.10.1
reviewing, 5.8
setting permissions on data file directories, 2.10.3
setting up, 5.8.1
Data Guard
ports, ranges and protocol, D.3
data loss
minimizing with Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.2
Data Mining Scoring Engine
about, H.2
installing, H.2
Data Mining Scoring Engine, installation guidelines, 3.2
data mining tools
Data Mining Scoring Engine, H.2
Oracle Data Mining, H.2
data warehousing tool
Oracle OLAP, H.2
Database Configuration Assistant
running in silent mode, A.6
troubleshooting, F.5
administrative information, C.1.1
Automatic Storage Management requirements, 2.11.2
files, 5.8.1
identifying, 5.6
initialization parameter file, 5.7
APPC-enabled, H.4
iWay, H.4
non-Oracle, listed, H.4
OLAP support (Oracle OLAP), H.2
Optimal Flexible Architecture file naming conventions, C.3.3
recovery with Oracle Backup and Recovery, H.2
redo log files, 5.8.2
removing, 6.3
security management, H.2
tablespaces, 5.8.1
DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter, 5.6
DB_NAME initialization parameter, 5.6, 5.6
DB2 database, H.4
DB2 z/OS database, H.4
DB2/400 database, H.4
dba group
and Automatic Storage Management disks, 2.11.5
and SYSDBA privilege, 2.5
creating, 2.5.2, 2.5.2, 2.5.3
description, 2.5
DBCA_RAW_CONFIG environment variable, 2.13
dbca.rsp file, A.3.1
DBSNMP user password, 3.4.1
default file mode creation mask
setting, 2.13
deprecated and desupported components, 1.8
device names, 2.11.5
DHCP computers, installing on, 2.4.2
creating separate data file directories, 2.10.3
database file directory, 2.10.1
Oracle base directory, 2.7.1, 2.7.1
Oracle home directory, 2.7.3, 2.7.3
Oracle Inventory directory, 2.7.2
oraInventory, 2.7.2
permission for data file directories, 2.10.3
disk devices
in Automatic Storage Management,
managing with Automatic Storage Management,
disk mirroring, C.4.1
disk space
checking, 2.2
requirement for Oracle base directory, 2.8.1, 2.8.2
requirements for preconfigured database in Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.2, 2.11.2
disk striping, C.4.2
disklabel command, 2.11.5
changing permissions and owner for Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.5
checking availability for Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.5
configuring for Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.1, 2.11.3, 2.11.5
identifying AdvFS file systems, 2.11.5
identifying LSM disks, 2.11.5
identifying UFS file systems, 2.11.5
identifying unused disks, 2.11.5
supported for Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.4
DISPLAY environment variable
setting, 2.13, 2.13
Distributed Computing Environment (DCE), 1.8
DOMAIN_NAME initialization parameter, 5.6
drive failure safeguards, C.1.1
dupatch command, 2.3
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. See DHCP


e-business integration workflows, H.3
enterprise.rsp file, A.3.1
env command, 2.13
checking settings, 2.13
configuring for oracle user, 2.13
environment variables
DISPLAY, 2.13, 2.13
ORACLE_BASE, 2.7.1, 2.8.2, 2.13
ORACLE_HOME, 2.12, 2.13, 2.13
PATH, 2.13
removing from shell startup file, 2.13
SHELL, 2.13
TMP and TMPDIR, 2.2, 2.13
configuration assistants, F.5
installation, F.3, F.4, F.5.2
noninteractive installation, F.6
silent mode, F.6
X Window, F.1
X Window display errors, F.2
/etc/sysconfigtab file, 2.6
Automatic Storage Management failure groups, 2.11.2, 2.11.2
Oracle base directories, 2.7.1
exec_disable_arg_limit subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
external jobs
operating system user required for, 2.5
external redundancy
Automatic Storage Management redundancy level, 2.11.2
extjob executable
operating system user required for, 2.5


failure group
examples of Automatic Storage Management failure groups, 2.11.2
failure groups
characteristics of Automatic Storage Management failure group, 2.11.2
examples in Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.2
in Automatic Storage Management,
FAQ for installation, H
fatal errors, F.5.2
deprecated, 1.8
fifo_do_adaptive subsystem attribute
recommended, 2.6
file command, 2.11.5
file mode creation mask
setting, 2.13
file naming, C.1.1
file sets, 2.3
file system
appropriate for Oracle base directory, 2.8.2
data file and recovery file placement options, 2.10
identifying AdvFS file systems, 2.11.5
identifying UFS file systems, 2.11.5
NFS, 1.6.4
organization, C.1.1
requirements for Oracle base directory, 2.8.2
using for data files, 2.10.1
writing to, 1.6.4
files, C.3.3
$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initsid.ora, 5.7
$ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini, 5.2, 5.2
.bash_profile, 2.13
contol, C.3.3
control, 5.8.3
custom.rsp, A.3.1
data files, C.3.3
dbca.rsp, A.3.1
editing shell startup file, 2.13
enterprise.rsp, A.3.1
/etc/group, C.3.2.2
/etc/passwd, C.3.2.2
/etc/sysconfigtab, 2.6
listener.ora, 4.3.1
.login, 2.13
oraInst.loc, 2.5.1, 2.8.1
oraInst.loc file, A.2
oratab, 2.8.1, 2.8.1
.profile, 2.13
raw device mapping file, 2.13
redo log, 5.8.2
response files, A.3
spnc_commands, 4.3.7
standard.rsp, A.3.1
tnsnames.ora, 4.3.1
/var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc, F.4, F.4
FORTRAN compiler
requirement, 2.3
frequently asked installation questions, H


Gateways products FAQ, H.4
postinstallation tasks, 4.3.7
GCC See GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
gh_chunks subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
global database name, 5.6
globalization support, E
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) configuration, 4.3.7
Grid Control. See Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control
group file, C.3.2.2
checking for existing oinstall group, 2.5.1
creating the dba group, 2.5.2, 2.5.3
creating the oinstall group, 2.5.1


hardware certification, 1.6.1
hardware requirements, 2.2
high redundancy
Automatic Storage Management redundancy level, 2.11.2
home directory
distribution, C.1.1
login, C.1.1
See Oracle home directory
host name, setting before installation, 2.4.3


IBM DB2 database, H.4
IBM DB2 z/OS database, H.4
IBM DB2/400 database, H.4
IBM DRDA databases, connecting to, H.4
IBM mainframe data, connecting to, H.4
IBM WebSphere MQ Series databases, H.4
ICC See Intel C++ compiler (ICC)
id command, 2.5.5
identifying AdvFS file systems, 2.11.5
identifying disks for Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.5
identifying LSM disks, 2.11.5
identifying UFS file systems, 2.11.5
identifying unused disks, 2.11.5
Informix Server database, H.4
Ingres II database, H.4
initialization parameter file
description, 5.7
in databases, 5.7
initsid.ora, 5.7
initialization parameters
DB_NAME, 5.6
initsid.ora file, 5.7
initsid.ora initialization parameter file, 5.7
accessing installation software, 3.3
Automatic Storage Management requirements, 2.11.2
available products, 1.3, 1.3
cleaning up after a failed installation, F.7
clusters, installation guidelines, 3.2
completing, 3.4.2
component-specific guidelines, 3.2
computer aliases, multiple, 2.4.4
considerations, 1.6
errors, F.4, F.5.2
silent mode, F.6
FAQ for Oracle Database products, H
guidelines, 3.4.1
laptops, 2.4.5
log files, F.3, F.3
error handling, F.6
oraInst.loc file, A.2
quick installation, H.1
reinstalling Oracle software, 3.2
response files, A, A.3
preparing, A.3, A.3.2
silent mode, F.6
templates, A.3
silent mode, A.3.2, A.4
upgrading, H.1
with other components, H
installation errors
steps to resolve, F.3
installation guidelines, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.2
Oracle Label Security, 3.4.1
Oracle Universal Installer, 3.4.1
re-installing Oracle software, 3.4.1
installation overview, 1.1
installation software
copying to a hard disk,
re-installing, 3.4.1
installation software, accessing, 3.3
installation types
disk space requirements, 2.2
instance identifier (SID), 2.13
Intel C++ compiler (ICC), 4.3.7
I/O loads, C.1.1
Optimal Flexible Architecture, C.1.1
IP addresses, multiple, 2.4.3
kernel subsystem, 2.6
IPC protocol address
Oracle Messaging Gateway setting,
ports, changing, D.6
ports, ranges and protocol, D.3
iWay databases, H.4


Java Development Kit
Java Libraries for Oracle JVM and Oracle interMedia
postinstallation tasks, 4.3.3
Java Runtime Environment
default locations, 3.4.2
internationalization class,
run-time class,
JDK requirements, 2.3
JPublisher, H.3
Oracle supplied version, 3.4.2


kernel parameters
checking, 2.6
configuring, 2.6
making changes persist, 2.6
kernel subsystem attributes
See kernel parameters
Korn shell
default user startup file, 2.13


installing Oracle components in different languages, E.2
laptops, installing Oracle Database on, 2.4.5
Legato Single Server Version (LSSV), 1.8
licensing information, 1.3
identifying Oracle home for, 2.12
lsnrctl command, 2.12
stopping, 2.12, 2.12
stopping existing listener process, 2.12
listener.ora file, 4.3.1
modifying for external procedures,
local device
using for data files, 2.10.1
log files, F.3, F.3
troubleshooting, F.4
logical volume manager
.login file, 2.13
loopback adapters
non-networked computers, 2.4.5
identifying volume group devices, 2.11.5
lsnrctl command, 2.12
recommendations for Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.2


making subsystem attribute value changes persist, 2.6
mapping file
for raw devices, 2.13
setting default file mode creation mask, 2.13
max_async_req subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
max_objs subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
max_per_proc_address_space subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
max_per_proc_data_size subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
max_per_proc_stack_size subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
max_sessions subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
memory requirements, 2.2
MGW_AGENT service name,
mgwextproc service
adding static service information,
mgw.ora file
Micro Focus Server Express
requirement, 2.3
Microsoft SQL Server database, H.4
See upgrading
migrating applications to Oracle, H.3
migrating non-Oracle databases to Oracle, H.1
mirroring Automatic Storage Management disk groups, 2.11.2
mkdir command, 2.8.2, 2.10.3
setting default file mode creation mask, 2.13
mount command, 2.11.5
mount point
for Oracle base directory, 2.7.1
mount point directories,
mount point directory
choosing, B.2
mount points
Optimal Flexible Architecture conventions for creating, C.3
checking requirements, 2.3
CSD download location, 2.3
CSDs required, 2.3
msg_size subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
multihomed computers, installing on, 2.4.3
multiple aliases, computers with, 2.4.4
multiple Oracle homes, 1.6.2


naming subdirectories, C.3.2.4
NAS devices
creating files on for use with Automatic Storage Management, B.3
guidelines for configuration, B.1
Natively Compiled Java Libraries, H.3
Net Configuration Assistant
troubleshooting, F.5
Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA)
response files, A.5
running at command prompt, A.5
netca.rsp file, A.3.1
network adapters
computers with multiple aliases, 2.4.4
non-networked computers, 2.4.5
primary, on computers with multiple aliases, 2.4.4
See also loopback adapters, primary network adapters
network attached storage devices
See NAS devices
network cards, multiple, 2.4.3
Network File System See NFS
network setup
about, 2.4
computers with multiple aliases, 2.4.4
network topics
DHCP computers, 2.4.2
laptops, 2.4.5
multiple network cards, 2.4.3
non-networked computers, 2.4.5
new_wire_method subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
mount options, B.4
using for installation, 1.6.4
NLS_LANG environment variable, E.1
NLS_LANG parameter
about, E.1
nobody user
checking existence of, 2.5.5
description, 2.5
noninteractive installation
oraInst.loc file, A.2
response files
preparing, A.3, A.3.2
templates, A.3
silent mode, A.3.2, A.4
errors, F.6
noninteractive mode
about, A.1
reasons for using, A.1.1
See also response files, silent mode, A.1
non-networked computers, 2.4.5
non-Oracle databases, listed, H.4
normal redundancy, Automatic Storage Management redundancy level, 2.11.2


See Oracle Enterprise Manager
oinstall group
checking for existing, 2.5.1
creating, 2.5.1
description, 2.5
OLAP tools
about, H.2
Oracle OLAP, H.2
See Oracle Label Security
See Oracle Managed Files
oper group
and SYSOPER privilege, 2.5
creating, 2.5.3
description, 2.5
operating system
checking version, 2.3
operating system groups
creating the dba group, 2.5.3
creating the oinstall group, 2.5.1
oinstall, 2.5
OSDBA, 2.5
osoper, 2.5
requirements, 2.5
operating system requirements, 2.3
operating system users
checking existence of the nobody user, 2.5.5
creating the oracle user, 2.5.4
nobody, 2.5
oracle, 2.5
requirements, 2.5
root user, 3.4.2
unprivileged user, 2.5
Optimal Flexible Architecture
administrative information, C.1.1
Automatic Storage Management, C.3.3
changes for Oracle Database 10g, C.2
characteristics of an installation compliant with, C.1.1
concurrent execution of application software, C.1.1
conventions for creating mount points, C.3
distributed I/O loads, C.1.1
drive failure safeguards, C.1.1
file identification, C.3.6
file mapping, C.1.1, C.3.7
file naming, C.1.1
file system organization, C.1.1
files systems, C.3.1.1
hardware support, C.1.1
home directory distribution, C.1.1
I/O loads, C.1.1
login home directories, C.1.1
naming, C.3.1
database files, C.3.3
Oracle base directory, C.3.2
subdirectories, C.3.2.4
tablespaces, C.3.5
very large databases, C.3.1.3
Oracle Managed Files, C.3.3
pathnames, C.3.2.2
recommendations for Oracle base directory, 2.7.1
recommended path for Oracle base directory, 2.7.1
recommended path for Oracle home directory, 2.7.3
recommended path for Oracle Inventory directory, 2.7.2
special tablespaces, C.3.4
standard, C
tablespace contents, C.1.1
UNIX directory subtrees, C.1.1
using seperate segments, C.3.4
Oracle Advanced Security
deprecated component, 1.8
Oracle Application Server, H.2
Oracle applications
APPC-enabled systems, connecting to, H.4
IBM DRDA databases, connecting to, H.4
installing with Oracle Database, H.3
Oracle base directory
and ORACLE_BASE environment variable, 2.7.1
creating, 2.8.2
creating new, 2.8.2
description, 2.7.1
determining disk space on, 2.8.1
disk space requirements, 2.8.1, 2.8.2
equivalent directory on Microsoft Windows, 2.7.1
examples, 2.7.1
identifying appropriate file system, 2.8.2
identifying existing, 2.8.1
mount point for, 2.7.1
naming conventions, C.3.2
recommended path, 2.7.1
relationship with Oracle software owner user, 2.7.1
requirement for, 2.7.1
requirements for existing directory, 2.8.1
requirements on file system, 2.8.2
Oracle Cluster Registry
Oracle Cluster Registry port, D.3
Oracle Clusterware
about, H.1
ports, D.3
ports, ranges and protocol, D.3
used with Automatic Storage Management,
used with Oracle Real Application Clusters, H.1
Oracle Connection Manager, installation guidelines, 3.2
Oracle CSS Daemon
configuration, deleting, 6.5.3
Oracle Data Mining
about, H.2
installing, H.2
Oracle Database
administering and monitoring, H.2
AS/400 applications, H.4
creating data file directories, 2.10.3
Custom installation, 1.3
Enterprise Edition installation, 1.3
installing with Oracle applications, H.3
installing with other Oracle components, H
minimum disk space requirements, 2.10.1
multiple databases on a single server with Automatic Storage Management, 3.5.1
privileged groups, 2.5
quick installation, H.1
requirements with Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.2
security management, H.2
setting ORACLE_SID environment variable, 2.13
Standard Edition installation, 1.3
upgrading, H.1
Web application development tools (HTML DB), H.3
Web servers, H.3
workflows, H.3
Oracle Database Client
configuring connections, H.1
Oracle Database Companion CD
components, H.3
Oracle Database components
administering and monitoring, H.2
connectivity FAQ, H.4
FAQ on installing, H.1
installing with Oracle applications, H.3
installing with Oracle Database tools, H.2
Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
response file, A.3.1
Oracle Database Examples, H.3
Oracle Database Recovery Manager (RMAN)
about, H.2
Automatic Storage Management,, 3.5.2
Oracle Enterprise Management Agent
HTTP port, changing, D.4
ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle Enterprise Manager, 1.5.2
Database Control
logging into, 5.2
port number, 5.2
using to modify control files, 5.8.3
using to modify redo log files, 5.8.2
using to view control files, 5.8.3
using to view redo log files, 5.8.2
database migration to Automatic Storage Management, 3.5.2
login privileges, 5.2
Migrate Wizard, 3.5.2
Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Console
ports, ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control
ports, changing, D.5
Oracle Enterprise Manager Migrate Database wizard, 3.5.2
Oracle Event Manager
ports, ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle home
cloning, G
Oracle home directory
Automatic Storage Management considerations, 3.5.1
description, 2.7.3
identifying for listener, 2.12
multiple homes, network considerations, 2.4.3
recommended path, 2.7.3
requirement for, 2.7.3
requirements, 2.7.3
using to identify Oracle base directory, 2.8.1
Oracle home name, 2.7.3
Oracle host name, setting before installation, 2.4.3
Oracle HTML DB
installation FAQ, H.3
Oracle HTTP Server
installation FAQ, H.3
Oracle internationalization class,
Oracle Internet Directory, H.2
Oracle Inventory
description, 2.7.2
pointer file, 2.5.1
Oracle Inventory directory
description, 2.7.2
recommended path, 2.7.2
Oracle Inventory group
checking for existing, 2.5.1
creating, 2.5.1, 2.5.1
description, 2.5
Oracle JDBC class,
Oracle JDBC development drivers, H.3
Oracle Label Security
installation guidelines, 3.2, 3.4.1
post-installation tasks, 4.3.2
Oracle Managed Files
Optimal Flexible Architecture naming conventions, C.3.3
Oracle Messaging Gateway
checking requirements, 2.3
CSD requirements, 2.3
postinstallation tasks, 4.3.5
Oracle Messaging Gateway class,
Oracle Migration Workbench
migrating non-Oracle applications to Oracle, H.3
migrating non-Oracle databases to Oracle, H.1
Oracle Net
configuration file directory, 4.3.1
identifying Oracle home for listener, 2.12
lsnrctl command, 2.12
stopping existing listener, 2.12
stopping listener, 2.12
stopping the listener, 2.12
Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
response file, A.3.1
Oracle Net Services
post-installation tasks, 4.3.1
Oracle OLAP
about, H.2
Oracle Precompilers
postinstallation tasks, 4.3.6
Oracle Procedural Gateway
about, H.4
listed products, H.4
Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
installed before Oracle Database, 3.2
installing with Oracle Enterprise Manager, H.2
Oracle Clusterware
about, H.1
ports, ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle software
removing, 6.6
Oracle Software Owner user
and Automatic Storage Management disks, 2.11.5
Oracle software owner user
configuring environment for, 2.13
creating, 2.5.4
description, 2.5
determining default shell, 2.13
relationship with Oracle base directory, 2.7.1
Oracle SQL*Net Listener
ports, ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle SQLJ, H.3
Oracle Storage Compatibility Program (OSCP)
certification of NAS devices, B
Oracle Text Supplied Knowledge Bases, H.3
Oracle Text supplied knowledge bases
postinstallation tasks, 4.3.4
Oracle Transparent Gateway
about, H.4
listed products, H.4
Oracle Ultra Search, H.3
ports, changing, D.7
ports, ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle Universal Installer
Automatic Storage Management behavior, 3.5.1
guidelines for using, 3.2
installation guidelines, 3.2, 3.4.1
response files, A
list of, A.3.1, A.3.1, A.3.1
running, 3.4.2
running in different languages, E.2
oracle user
and Automatic Storage Management disks, 2.11.5
configuring environment for, 2.13
creating, 2.5.4,,
description, 2.5
determining default shell, 2.13
relationship with Oracle base directory, 2.7.1
Oracle Workflow
installation FAQ, H.3
Oracle XML DB
ports, D.8
ports, changing, D.8
ports, ranges and protocol, D.3
ORACLE_BASE environment variable, 2.7.1, 2.8.2
removing from shell startup file, 2.13
setting, 2.13
ORACLE_HOME environment variable
removing from shell startup file, 2.13
setting, 2.12
unsetting, 2.13
ORACLE_HOSTNAME environment variable
about, 2.4.3
computers with multiple aliases, 2.4.4
multihomed computers, 2.4.3
setting before installation, 2.4.3
ORACLE_SID environment variable
removing from shell startup file, 2.13
setting, 2.13
oraInst.loc file, 2.8.1, 2.8.1
location, 2.5.1
location of, 2.5.1
oraInventory directory
See Oracle Inventory directory
oratab file, 2.8.1
formats, 2.8.1
location of, 2.8.1
OSDBA group
and Automatic Storage Management disks, 2.11.5
and SYSDBA privilege, 2.5
creating, 2.5.2, 2.5.3
description, 2.5
OSOPER group
and SYSOPER privilege, 2.5
description, 2.5
OTN Web site
downloading installation software from, 3.3.1
See Oracle Universal Installer


using with Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.2
creation for Automatic Storage Management disks, 2.11.4
passwd command,
passwd file, C.3.2.2
password file for Automatic Storage Management, 3.5.1
DBSNMP, 3.4.1
guidelines, 3.4.1
resetting, 5.5
with Database Control, 5.5.1
with SQL*Plus, 5.5.2
reviewing, 5.4
specifying for response files, A.1
SYS, 3.4.1
SYSMAN, 3.4.1
SYSTEM, 3.4.1
unlocking, 5.5
with Database Control, 5.5.1
with SQL*Plus, 5.5.2
See alsosecurity
download location, 2.3
PATH environment variable
setting, 2.13
Optimal Flexible Architecture, C.3.2.2
per_proc_address_space subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
per_proc_data_size subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
per_proc_stack_size subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
for data file directories, 2.10.3
for Oracle base directory, 2.8.2
PL/SQL native compilation, 4.3.7
PL/SQL native compilaton, 4.3.7
port numbers
managing, D
portlist.ini file, 5.2, D.2
access URLs, D.2
Cluster Manager, ranges and protocol, D.3
Cluster Synchronization Services, ranges and protocol, D.3
configured for applications, D.2
Connection Manager, ranges and protocol, D.3
Data Guard, ranges and protocol, D.3
default ranges, D
iSQL*Plus, changing, D.6
iSQL*Plus, ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle Cluster Registry, D.3
Oracle Clusterware, D.3
Oracle Clusterware, ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle Enterprise Management Agent HTTP, changing, D.4
Oracle Enterprise Management Agent, ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Console, ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control, changing, D.5
Oracle Event Manager, ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC), ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle SQL*Net Listener, ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle Ultra Search, changing, D.7
Oracle Ultra Search, ranges and protocol, D.3
Oracle XML DB, D.8
Oracle XML DB, changing, D.8
Oracle XML DB, ranges and protocol, D.3
recommended tasks
client static library, generating, 4.2.5 script, backing up, 4.2.1
user accounts, setting up, 4.2.3
required tasks, 4.1
configuring GCC as the primary compiler, 4.3.7
configuring Oracle Messaging Gateway, 4.3.5
installing natively compiled Java Libraries for Oracle JVM and Oracle interMedia, 4.3.3
installing Oracle Text supplied knowledge bases, 4.3.4
Oracle Label Security, configuring, 4.3.2
Oracle Net Services, configuring, 4.3.1
Oracle Precompilers, 4.3.6
patches, installing and downloading, 4.1.1
requirements, 2.3, 2.3, 2.3
preconfigured database
Automatic Storage Management disk space requirements, 2.11.2
requirements when using Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.2, 2.11.2
privilege, 2.5
privileged groups
for Oracle Database, 2.5
requirements, 2.3
See also C compiler
requirements, 2.3
requirements, 2.3
kernel subsystem, 2.6
stopping existing, 2.12
stopping existing listener process, 2.12
stopping listener process, 2.12
.profile file, 2.13
program technical fix
ps command, 2.12


rad_gh_regions attribute
recommended value, 2.6
recommended Automatic Storage Management redundancy level, 2.11.2
using for Oracle data files, 2.10.1
RAM requirements, 2.2
raw devices
DBCA_RAW_CONFIG environment variable, 2.13
specifing location of mapping file, 2.13
storage option for data files, 2.9, 2.9
Rdb database, H.4
kernel subsystem, 2.6
rdg_auto_msg_wires subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
rdg_max_auto_msg_wires subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
readme.txt file, D.2
reconfiguring CSS, 6.5
recovery files
options for placing on file system, 2.10
recovery of databases
Oracle Backup and Recovery, H.2
redo log, C.3.3
redo log files
in starter database, 5.8.2
locating, 5.8.2
naming, C.3.3
reviewing, 5.8
using Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control with, 5.8.2
redundancy level
and space requirements for preconfigured database, 2.11.2, 2.11.2
for Automatic Storage Management, 2.11.2
redundant array of independent disks
reinstalling Oracle software, 3.2
hardware, 2.2
response files
about, A.1
Automatic Storage Management, A.1.2
creating with template, A.3.1
custom.rsp, A.3.1
dbca.rsp, A.3.1
enterprise.rsp, A.3.1
general procedure, A.1.3
Net Configuration Assistant, A.5
netca.rsp, A.3.1
passing values at command line, A.1
passwords, A.1
security, A.1
specifying with Oracle Universal Installer, A.4
standard.rsp, A.3.1
See also silent mode, noninteractive mode, A.1
response files installation
about, A
RMS database, H.4
roadmap for installing Oracle Database components, H
root user, 3.4.2, 3.4.2
logging in as, 2.1 script
backing up, 4.2.1
kernel subsystem, 2.6


SAN (storage area network) disks, 2.11.4
management tools, H.2
See alsopasswords
server parameter file (SPFILE), 3.5.1
SERVICE_NAMES initialization parameter, 5.6, 5.6
setld command, 2.3
determining default shell for oracle user, 2.13
SHELL environment variable
checking value of, 2.13
shell startup file
editing, 2.13
removing environment variables, 2.13
shm_max subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
shm_min subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
shm_mni subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
shm_seg subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
shutdown command, 2.6
SID, 5.6
setting ORACLE_SID environment variable, 2.13
silent mode
about, A.1
reasons for using, A.1.1
See also noninteractive mode, response files, A.1
silent mode installation, A.3.2, A.4
sizer command, 2.3
software certification, 1.6.1
software requirements, 2.3
checking software requirements, 2.3
SPFILE server parameter file, 3.5.1
spnc_commands configuration file, 4.3.7
SQL Server database, H.4
SQLJ class,
ssm_threshold subsystem attribute
recommended value, 2.6
standard.rsp files, A.3.1
startup file
for shell, 2.13
static service information
adding for mgwextproc service,
storage area network disks, 2.11.4
storage management See Automatic Storage Management
checking, 2.3
requirements, 2.3
suppressed mode
reasons for using, A.1.1
suppressed mode. See noninteractive mode
swap space
checking, 2.2
requirements, 2.2
Sybase Adapter Server database, H.4
SYS user password, 3.4.1
sysconfig command, 2.6
sysconfigdb command, 2.6
sysconfigtab file, 2.6
SYSDBA privilege
associated operating system group, 2.5
SYSMAN user password, 3.4.1
SYSOPER privilege
associated operating system group, 2.5
System Identifier, 5.6
SYSTEM user password, 3.4.1


defined, 5.8.1
in databases, 5.8.1
reviewing, 5.8
setting up, 5.8.1
Optimal Flexible Architecture
naming, C.3.5
special tablespaces, C.3.4
temporary disk space
requirements, 2.2
Teradata database, H.4
TMP environment variable, 2.2
setting, 2.13
TMPDIR environment variable, 2.2
setting, 2.13
TNS_ADMIN environment variable
unsetting, 2.13
tnsnames.ora file, 4.3.1
adding a connect descriptor,
MGW_AGENT service name,
modifying for external procedures,
troubleshooting, F
fatal errors, F.5.2


identifying UFS file systems, 2.11.5
umask, 2.13
umask command, 2.13, 2.13
UNIX commands, 2.13
chmod, 2.8.2, 2.10.3, 2.11.5
chown, 2.8.2, 2.10.3, 2.11.5
disklabel, 2.11.5
dupatch, 2.3
env, 2.13
file, 2.11.5
id, 2.5.5
mkdir, 2.8.2, 2.10.3
mount, 2.11.5
ps, 2.12
setld, 2.3
shutdown, 2.6
sizer, 2.3
sysconfig, 2.6
sysconfigdb, 2.6
umask, 2.13
unset, 2.13
unsetenv, 2.13
voldisk, 2.11.5
xhost, 2.1
xterm, 2.1
UNIX directory subtrees, C.1.1
UNIX groups
checking for existing oinstall group, 2.5.1
creating the dba group, 2.5.2
UNIX users
creating the oracle user,
UNIX workstation
installing from, 2.1
unprivileged user
checking existence of, 2.5.5
nobody user, 2.5
unset command, 2.13
unsetenv command, 2.13
upgraded databases
configuring, 4.2.2
upgrading, 1.7
advantages with separate Oracle homes, 3.5.1
useradd command,
checking existence of the nobody user, 2.5.5
creating the oracle user, 2.5.4,
operating system nobody user, 2.5
Oracle software owner user, 2.5
recompiling invalid SQL modules, 4.2.2


/var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc file
reviewing log files, F.4
very large databases
Optimal Flexible Architecture naming mount points, C.3.1.3
kernel subsystem, 2.6
kernel subsystem, 2.6
voldisk command, 2.11.5


Web applications, Oracle HTML DB, H.3
Web servers (Oracle HTTP Server), H.3
WebSphere MQ
checking requirements, 2.3
CSDs required, 2.3
WebSphere MQ class,
WebSphere MQ Series database, H.4
analogy for Oracle base directory, 2.7.1
applications based, H.3
e-business integration, H.3


X Window
display errors, F.1
X Window system
enabling remote hosts, 2.1, 2.1
xhost command, 2.1
xterm command, 2.1