The screen shot shows the OUI "Specify Cluster Configuration" window. The top part of the screen contains the following text: "Enter a name for the cluster and select the nodes to be managed by the Oracle Clusterware. For each node, specify the name for the public IP address, the name for the private interconnect, and the name for the virtual IP address on the node. You can use a cluster configuration file to configure your cluster by clicking Use Cluster Configuration File instead of completing the Cluster Nodes box. The Use Cluster Configuration File option is helpful it you have many nodes."

Following this text is a text entry box labeled Cluster Name. The Cluster Name box contains the value docrac. Below the Cluster Name box is the Cluster Nodes table. This table contains the Public node name, the private node name, and the virtual host name for both nodes docrac1 and docrac2.

Below the Cluster Nodes table are four buttons. These buttons are, from left to right, Use Cluster Configuration File, Add, Edit, and Remove.

At the bottom of the screen shot are the following buttons, from left to right: Help, Installed Products, Back, Next, Install (grayed out), and Cancel.

End of description.