The screen shot shows the Specify Database Configuration Options window. The first section is Database Name. It contains the following text: "A Global Database Name, typically of the form name.domain, uniquely identifies an Oracle database. In addition, each database is referenced by at least one Oracle System Identifier (SID). Specify the Global Database Name and SID for this database." The text is followed by two text entries fields. The first text entry field is labeled Global Database Name, and contains the value The second text entry field is labeled SID and contains the value sales.

The second section in the window is titled Database Character Set. It contains the text "The database character set determines how character data is stored in the database. The default is based on the operating system language. Select Unicode (AL32UTF8) to store multiple languages. This text is followed by a list labeled Select Database Character set. The current selection is West European WE8ISO8859P1.

The third section is titled Database Examples. It contains the text "You can choose to create a started database with or without samples schemas. Note that you can plug in the sample schemas to your existing starter database after creation. See "Help" for more details. This text is followed by a check box labeled Create datbase with sample schema. The check box is selected in this screen shot.

At the bottom of the window, from left to right, are the following buttons: Help, Installed Products, Back, Next, Install (grayed out), and Cancel.

End of description.