Illustration repma022.gif shows a flowchart that contains the following information:

Complete the following steps:

  1. Specify new master sites for each master group.

  2. Add new master sites.

    Question: Are you using full database export/import or change-based recovery? Choices: Online or Offline

    If full database export/import, then complete the appropriate actions in Steps 3, 4, 5, and 6.

    If change-based recovery, then complete the appropriate actions in Steps 3 and 4.

  3. If you are using full database export/import, then perform full database export of master database.

    If you are using change-based recovery, then perform change-based recovery.

  4. If you are using full database export/import, then resume propagation to master definition site.

    If change-based recovery, then allow new masters to receive deferred transactions.

  5. If you are using full database export/import, then perform full database import.

  6. If you are using full database export/import, then allow new masters to receive deferred transactions.