chap5_test_emp_001.gif shows a Web page with the title, Employees. Immediately underneath is a horizontal line to separate the header from the body of the page. Then there is a table of 9 rows of six columns. The column headings are:

no heading, Employee ID, Employee Name, Hiredate, Salary, Commission (%).

The data rows contain the following data:

unchecked radio button, 100, S. King, 17-JUN-87, 24,000.00, 0

unchecked radio button, 101, N. Kochhar, 21-SEP-89, 17,000.00, 0

unchecked radio button, 102, L. De Haan, 13-JAN-93, 17,000.00, 0

unchecked radio button, 103, A. Hunold, 03-JAN-90, 9,000.00, 0

unchecked radio button, 104, B. Ernst, 21-MAY-91, 6,000.00, 0

unchecked radio button, 105, D. Austin, 25-JUN-97, 4,800.00, 0

unchecked radio button, 106, V. Pataballa, 05-FEB-98, 4,800.00, 0

unchecked radio button, 107, D. Lorentz, 07-FEB-99, 4,200.00, 0