The Active Sessions Working: CPU Used page is shown.

The Active Sessions chart has a y-axis that ranges from 0.0 to 2. The x-axis ranges from 11:02 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

The activity spikes to 2.0 at 11:40 and then drops off. The activity spikes to 1.8 at 11:52 and hovers around 1.8 for the remaining times shown.

The Detail for Selected 5 Minute Interval section appears underneath the chart. The Top Working SQL section appears below.

The Action list shows the Schedule SQL Tuning Advisor option. Next to it is a Go button.

The table has the following columns: Select, Activity (%), SQL ID, SQL Type.

Row 1 has the following values: (checkbox), 29.93, batd1pgpg49zf, PL/SQL EXECUTE.

Row 2 has the following values: (checkbox), 13.57, 94fzm3jx1c1yp, PL/SQL EXECUTE.

Row 3 has the following values: (checkbox), 12.14, axabnfyfp4r3p, SELECT.

Rows 4-10 have a variety of DML statements.

The Top Working Sessions section appears to the right of the Top Working SQL section.

The View list shows the Top Session value.

The table has the following columns: Activity (%), Session ID, User Name, Program.

Row 1 has the following values: (checkbox), 55.92, 113, HR, sqlplus.

Row 2 has the following values: (checkbox), 21.49, 125, SH, sqlplus.

Rows 3-8 show insignificant session activity.

End of description.