The Advisor Tasks page is shown.

The Change Default Parameters button is right-justified.

The Search section is shown.

The Advisory Type list has a value of ADDM. The Task Name list shows a null value. The Advisor Runs list shows a value of All. The status list shows the value of All. The Go button appears to the right of the lists.

The Results section includes a table.

Above the table are the View Result and Delete buttons. The Actions list shows the Re-schedule value. To the right of this list is the Go button.

The table has the following columns: Select, Advisory Type, Name, Description, User, Status, Start Time, Duration (seconds), and Expires In (days). The Name values appear as links. The Select values appear as selectable options.

Row 1 contains the following values: (option, shown selected), ADDM, TASK_447, ADDM auto run, DBA1, COMPLETED, Jan 29 2009, 0, and 30.

Row 2 contains the following values: (option), ADDM, ADDM:399937146_1_416, ADDM auto run, DBA1, COMPLETED, Jan 29 2009 11:29:12 AM, 1, 30.

Row 3 contains the following values: (option), ADDM, ADDM:399937146_1_415, ADDM auto run, DBA1, COMPLETED, Jan 29 2009 11:23:12 AM, 0, 30.

End of description.