The table contains the following columns: SQL ID, Planhash, Sampled # of Executions, % Activity, Event, % Event, Top Row Source, % RwSrc, SQL Text. Values in the first column are shown as links.

Row 1 contains the following values: 31h2wmu3q47u6, 4090065844, 277, 26.22, CPU + Wait for CPU, 26.13, TABLE ACCESS - FULL, 19.94, SELECT /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(c).

Row 2 contains the following values: 3djkjtba139ct, 1426549735, 148, 13.76, db file sequential read, 12.00, ** Row Source Not Available **, 12.00, INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES VALUES.

Row 3 contains the following values: null, null, null, null, flashback buf free by RVWR, 1.39, ** Row Source Not Available **,1.39, null.

Row 4 contains the following values: null, null, null, null, flashback buf free by RVWR, 1.75, DELETE, 1.75, null.

End of description.