The General section of the Automatic Workload Repository page is shown.

The Edit button is on the upper right.

4 name-value pairs appear. The value of Snapshot Retention (days) is 694. The value of Snapshot Interval (minutes) is 10. The Collection Level is TYPICAL. The Next Snapshot Capture Time is Feb 5, 2009 5:50:18 PM.

The Manage Snapshots and Baselines section is shown.

The Run AWR Report button is on the upper right.

4 name-value pairs appear. The value of Snapshots is 22. The value of Baselines is 2. The values of Latest Snapshot Time is Feb 5, 2009 5:40:18 PM. The value of Earliest Snapshot Time is Feb 5, 2009 2:12:19 PM.

End of description.