This screenshot shows a table in The Compare Periods: Results page.

The table has the following columns: Name, First Period Metric Ratio (shown as a bar chart), Second Period Metric Ratio (shown as a bar chart), First Period Value, Second Period Value, First Period Rate Per Second, Second Period Rate Per Second.

Row 1 has the values: DB cpu (seconds), null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0.

Row 2 has the values: Db time (seconds), null, null, 10345.23, 1715.34, 2.85, 2.85.

Row 3 has the values: db block changes, (short bar), null, 19944, 26344, 11.42, 14.56.

Row 4 has the values: execute count, (tiny bar), null, 20285, 20770, 11.61, 11.48.

Rows for the following metrics showed all 0s: global cache cr block receive time, global cache cr blocks received, global cache current block receive time, global cache current blocks received, global cache get time, global cache gets.

End of description.