The AWR Baselines page appears.

On the top right of the page are the Refresh and Create buttons.

The Search field is empty. The Go button appears next to the field.

Underneath are the following elements: Edit button, View button, Delete button, Actions list (set to Schedule Statistics Computation), and Go button.

The table has the following columns: Select, Name, Type, Valid, Statistics Computed, Last Time Computed, Start Time, End Time. The Select column values appear as selectable options. The Name values are links.

Row 1 has the following values: (option selected), SYSTEM MOVING WINDOW, MOVING_WINDOW (8 Days), Yes, Pending, Feb 8 2009 2:12:19 PM, Feb 5 2009 2:30:32 PM, Feb 5 2009 2:30:32 PM, 0.

End of description