The Plan subpage is shown.The page shows the following name-value pairs: Data Source is Cursor Cache, Capture Time is Feb 9 2009 12:07:07 PM, Parsing Schema is HR, Optimizer Mode is ALL_ROWS.In the View section, Table is selected.The table has the following columns: Operation, Object, Order, Rows, Bytes, Cost, CPU (%), Time, Query Block Name/Object Alias, Predicate, Filter, and Projection.Row 1 has the following fields: SELECT STATEMENT, null, 7, null, null, 7, null, null, null, null, null.Row 2 has the following fields: HASH JOIN, null, 6, 3, 189, 7, 14, 0:0:1, SEL$1, "E"."DEPARTMENT_ID"="D"."DEPARTMENT_ID", null, (#keys=1) "E"."LAST_NAME".

End of description.