The Results section is shown. Underneath the title are the View Result and Delete buttons. The Action list shows Re-schedule selected. To the right of the list is the Go button.The table contains the following columns: Select, Advisory Type, Name, Description, User, Status, Start Time, Duration (seconds), Expires In (days).Row 1 has the following values: (selected), SQL Tuning Advisor, SQL_TUNING, null, SYS, SCHEDULED, Mar 5 2007 5:30:00 AM, null, 30.Row 2 has the following values: (deselected), SQL Tuning Advisor, SYS_AUTO_SQL_TUNING_TASK, Automatic SQL Tuning Task, SYS, COMPLETED, Mar 4 2007 4:42:33 PM, 955, UNLIMITED.

End of description.