The Cache Connect tab of the TimesTen ODBC Setup dialog box has Connection Level Attributes on the left and Data Store Level Attributes on the right.

The Connection Level Attributes are: Oracle User ID, Oracle Password, PassThrough (drop-down list in which 0-None is chosen), and RAC Callback (check-box containing a check).

The Data Store Level Attributes include a field for Oracle Net Service Name. There is a drop-down list and a field below Oracle Net Service Name that are labelled Cache AWT method (drop-down list in which 1 - PLSQL is chosen) and Cache AWT Parallelism (field that is set to 1).

There is a box below RAC Callback that is labelled Dynamic Load. The box contains a checkbox for Enable and a drop-down list for Error Mode, which is set to 0 - Errors not shown.

There is a box below Cache AWT Parallelism that is labelled Cache Grid. The box contains a checkbox for Enable and a field for Message Wait (secs). The Message Wait field is set to 60.

The following buttons appear at the bottom of the dialog box: OK, Cancel, Default, Help.