Oracle® interMedia Reference 10g Release 2 (10.2) Part Number B14297-01 |
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This chapter presents reference information on the common methods used for the following Oracle interMedia ("interMedia") object types:
The examples in this chapter use the ONLINE_MEDIA table in the Product Media sample schema. The examples assume that the table has been populated as shown in examples in Chapter 3, Chapter 5, and Chapter 7.
See Oracle Database Sample Schemas for information about the sample schemas.
The interMedia methods are designed to be internally consistent. If you use interMedia methods (such as import( ) or image process( )) to modify the media data, interMedia will ensure that object attributes remain synchronized with the media data. However, if you manipulate the data itself (by either directly modifying the BLOB or changing the external source), then you must ensure that the object attributes stay synchronized and the update time is modified; otherwise, the object attributes will not match the data.The ORDSource object is embedded within the ORDAudio, ORDDoc, and ORDVideo object types. The ORDSource object type supports access to a variety of sources of multimedia data. It supports access to data sources locally in a BLOB within Oracle Database, externally from a BFILE on a local file system, externally from a URL on an HTTP server, or externally from a user-defined source on another server. See Chapter 9 for details on how the ORDSource object type is defined, including supported values for the ORDSource attributes, which are the following:
localData: the locally stored multimedia data stored as a BLOB within the object. Up to 4 gigabytes of data can be stored as a BLOB.
srcType: the data source type.
srcLocation: the place where data can be found based on the srcType value.
srcName: the data object name.
updateTime: the time at which the data was last updated.
local: a flag that indicates whether the data is local (1 or NULL) or external (0).
Methods invoked at the ORDSource level that are handed off to a source plug-in for processing have ctx (RAW) as the first argument. Before calling any of these methods for the first time, the client should allocate the ctx structure, initialize it to NULL, and invoke the openSource( ) method. At this point, the source plug-in can initialize context for this client. When processing is complete, the client should invoke the closeSource( ) method.
Methods invoked at the ORDAudio, ORDDoc, or ORDVideo level that are handed off to a format plug-in for processing have ctx (RAW) as the first argument. Before calling any of these methods for the first time, the client should allocate the ctx structure and initialize it to NULL.
In the current release, none of the plug-ins provided by Oracle and not all source or format plug-ins will use the ctx argument, but if you code as previously described, your application should work with current or future source or format plug-ins.For ORDAudio, ORDDoc, or ORDVideo object types, you should use any of the individual set methods to set the attribute value for an object for formats not natively supported, or write a format plug-in and call the setProperties( ) method; otherwise, for formats natively supported, use the setProperties( ) method to populate the attributes of the object.
For ORDImage object types, use the setProperties( ) method to populate the attributes of the object. Use the setProperties( ) for foreign images method for formats that are not natively supported.
This section presents reference information on the interMedia methods that are common to all object types (except Still Image objects).
Other methods, which are particular to a given object type or are implemented differently for each object type, are described in ORDAudio Methods, ORDImage Methods, and ORDVideo Methods.
For more information about object types and methods, see Oracle Database Concepts.
The following methods are presented in this section:
clearLocal( );
Resets the source.local attribute (of the embedded ORDSource object) to indicate that the data is stored externally. When the source.local attribute is set to 0, media methods look for corresponding data using the source.srcLocation, source.srcName, and source.srcType attributes.
This method sets the source.local attribute to 0, meaning the data is stored externally outside the database.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Clear the value of the local flag for the data:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDAudio; BEGIN SELECT product_audio INTO obj FROM pm.online_media WHERE product_id=1733 FOR UPDATE; obj.clearLocal(); UPDATE pm.online_media SET product_audio=obj WHERE product_id=1733; COMMIT; END; /
Closes a data source.
The source plug-in context information. This should be allocated and initialized to NULL. If you are using a user-defined source plug-in, you should call the openSource( ) method. See the introduction to this chapter for more information.
The RETURN INTEGER is 0 (zero) for success and greater than 0 (for example, 1) for failure. The exact number and the meaning for that number is plug-in defined. For example, for the file plug-in, 1 might mean "File not found," 2 might mean "No such directory," and so forth.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
This exception is raised if you call the closeSource( ) method and the value for the source.srcType attribute is NULL.
This exception is raised if you call the closeSource( ) method and this method is not supported by the source plug-in being used.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Close an external data source:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDAudio; res INTEGER; ctx RAW(64) :=NULL; BEGIN SELECT product_audio INTO obj FROM pm.online_media WHERE product_id=1733 FOR UPDATE; res := obj.closeSource(ctx); UPDATE pm.online_media SET product_audio=obj WHERE product_id=1733; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN ORDSYS.ORDSourceExceptions.METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ORDSourceExceptions.METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED caught'); WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('EXCEPTION caught'); END; /
deleteContent( );
Deletes the BLOB from the source.localData attribute (of the embedded ORDSource object), sets the source.local attribute to zero (to indicate that data is not local), and updates the source.updateTime attribute.
This method can be called after you export the data from the local source to an external data source and you no longer need this data in the local source.
Call this method when you want to update the object with a new object.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Delete the local data from the current local source:
DECLARE image ORDSYS.ORDImage; BEGIN SELECT product_photo INTO image FROM pm.online_media WHERE product_id = 3515 FOR UPDATE; -- Delete the local content of the image: Image.deleteContent(); COMMIT; END; /
export(ctx IN OUT RAW,
source_type IN VARCHAR2,
source_location IN VARCHAR2,
source_name IN VARCHAR2);
Copies data from the BLOB in the source.localData attribute (of the embedded ORDSource object) to a corresponding external data source.
The export( ) method provides native support only when the value of the source_type parameter is FILE. In this case, the data is written to a file within a directory that is accessible to Oracle Database. User-defined sources may support the export( ) method to provide WRITE access to other types of data stores.The source plug-in context information.
The type of the external source data. This parameter is not case sensitive.
The location to which the source data is to be exported.
The name of the object to which the data is to be exported.
After data is exported, all attributes remain unchanged and source.srcType, source.srcLocation, and source.srcName are updated with input values. After calling the export( ) method, you can call the clearLocal( ) method to indicate the data is stored outside the database and call the deleteContent( ) method if you want to delete the content of the source.localData attribute.
This method is also available for user-defined sources that can support the export( ) method.
The export( ) method for a source type of FILE does not modify data stored in the BLOB.
The export( ) method is not an exact mirror operation to the import( ) method in that the clearLocal( ) method is not automatically called to indicate the data is stored outside the database, whereas the import( ) method automatically calls the setLocal( ) method.
Call the deleteContent( ) method after calling the export( ) method to delete the content from the database if you no longer intend to manage the multimedia data within the database.
When the source_type parameter has a value of FILE, the source_location parameter specifies the name of an Oracle directory object, and the source_name parameter specifies the name of the file that will contain the data.
The export( ) method writes only to a database directory object that the user has privilege to access. That is, you can access a directory object that you have created using the SQL CREATE DIRECTORY statement, or one to which you have been granted READ and WRITE access.
For example, the following SQL*Plus commands create a directory object and grant the user, RON, the permission to read and write any file within the directory /mydir/work:
Now, the user, RON, can export an image to the testimg.jpg file in this directory using the export( ) method of the ORDImage object:
img.export('FILE', 'FILE_DIR', testimg.jpg');
Invoking this method implicitly calls the setUpdateTime( ) method.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
This exception is raised if you call the export( ) method and the value of the source_type parameter is NULL.
This exception is raised if the export( ) method encounters an error writing the BLOB data to the specified operating system file.
This exception is raised if you call the export( ) method and this method is not supported by the source plug-in being used.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Export data from a local source to an external data source:
-- Create the directory to which you want users to export data. Then, -- grant write access to the directory for ORDSYS and the user who will be -- doing the exporting, in this case the user is Ron. connect /as sysdba CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY FILE_DIR as '/mydir/work'; GRANT READ,WRITE ON DIRECTORY FILE_DIR TO 'RON'; BEGIN -- Connect as the user Ron: CONNECT RON/RON set serveroutput on; set echo on; DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDImage; ctx RAW(64) :=NULL; BEGIN SELECT product_photo INTO obj FROM pm.online_media WHERE product_id = 3515; obj.export(ctx,'file','FILE_DIR','testimg.jpg'); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN ORDSYS.ORDSourceExceptions.METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Source METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED caught'); WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('OTHER EXCEPTION caught'); END; /
Returns the LOB locator of the BFILE containing the media.
This method constructs and returns a BFILE using the stored source.srcLocation and source.srcName attribute information (of the embedded ORDSource object). The source.srcLocation attribute must contain a defined directory object. The source.srcName attribute must be a valid file name and source.srcType must be "file".
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
This exception is raised if the source.srcType attribute value is NULL.
This exception is raised if the value of the source.srcType attribute is other than "file".
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Return the BFILE for the stored source directory and file name attributes:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDVideo; videobfile BFILE; BEGIN SELECT product_video INTO obj FROM pm.online_media WHERE product_id = 2030; -- Get the video BFILE. videobfile := obj.getBFile(); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN ORDSYS.ORDSourceExceptions.INCOMPLETE_SOURCE_INFORMATION THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The source.srcType attribute value is NULL'); WHEN ORDSYS.ORDSourceExceptions.INVALID_SOURCE_TYPE THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The value of srcType is not file'); END; /
getContent( ) RETURN BLOB;
Returns the BLOB handle to the source.localData attribute (of the embedded ORDSource object).
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Access video data to be put on a Web-based player:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDVideo; ctx RAW(64) := NULL; BEGIN SELECT product_video INTO obj FROM pm.online_media WHERE product_id = 2030 FOR UPDATE; -- import data obj.importFrom(ctx,'file','FILE_DIR','printer.rm'); -- check size DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Length is '||TO_CHAR(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(obj.getContent))); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(obj.getSource()); COMMIT; END; /
getMimeType( ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
Returns the MIME type for the data. This is a simple access method that returns the value of the mimeType attribute.
If the source is an HTTP server, the MIME type information is read from the HTTP header information when the media is imported and stored in the object attribute. If the source is a file or BLOB, the MIME type information is extracted when the setProperties( ) method is called.
For unrecognized file formats, users must call the setMimeType( ) method and specify the MIME type.
Use this method rather than accessing the mimeType attribute directly to protect yourself from potential changes to the internal representation of the object.
Get the MIME type for some stored image data:
DECLARE image ORDSYS.ORDImage; BEGIN SELECT p.product_photo INTO image FROM pm.online_media p WHERE product_id = 3515; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('writing mimetype'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('----------------'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(image.getMimeType); COMMIT; END; /
getSource( ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
Returns information about the external location of the data in URL format. (This information is the source.srcType, source.srcLocation, and source.srcName attribute values of the embedded ORDSource object.)
Possible return values are:
for a file source
for an HTTP source
User-defined source; for example:
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Get the source of the image data:
DECLARE image ORDSYS.ORDImage; BEGIN SELECT p.product_photo INTO image FROM pm.online_media p WHERE p.product_id = 3515; -- Get the image source information: DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(image.getSource); COMMIT; END; /
getSourceLocation( ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
Returns a string containing the value of the external data source location (the value of the source.srcLocation attribute of the embedded ORDSource object).
This method returns a VARCHAR2 string containing the value of the external data location, for example BFILEDIR.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
This exception is raised if you call the getSourceLocation( ) method and the value of the source.srcLocation attribute is NULL.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Get the source location information about an image data source:
DECLARE image ORDSYS.ORDImage; BEGIN SELECT p.product_photo INTO image FROM pm.online_media p WHERE p.product_id = 3515; -- Get the image source location. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Source location is ' || image.getSourceLocation); COMMIT; END; /
getSourceName( ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
Returns a string containing of the name of the external data source (the value of the source.srcName attribute of the embedded ORDSource object).
This method returns a VARCHAR2 string containing the name of the external data source, for example testimg.dat.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
This exception is raised if you call the getSourceName( ) method and the value of the source.srcName attribute is NULL.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Get the source name information about an image data source:
DECLARE image ORDSYS.ORDImage; BEGIN SELECT p.product_photo INTO image FROM pm.online_media p WHERE p.product_id = 3515; -- Get the image source name. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Source name is ' ||image.getSourceName); COMMIT; END; /
getSourceType( ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
Returns a string containing the type of the external data source (the value of the source.srcType attribute of the embedded ORDSource object).
Returns a VARCHAR2 string containing the type of the external data source, for example "file".
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Get the source type information about a media data source:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDDoc; BEGIN SELECT p.product_testimonials INTO obj FROM pm.online_media p WHERE p.product_id= 3060; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('setting and getting source'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('--------------------------'); -- set source to a file obj.setSource('file','FILE_DIR','speaker.wav'); -- get source information DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Source is ' || obj.getSource); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Source type is ' || obj.getSourceType); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Source location is ' || obj.getSourceLocation); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Source name is ' || obj.getSourceName); COMMIT; END; /
getUpdateTime( ) RETURN DATE;
Returns the time when the object was last updated (the value of the source.updateTime of the embedded ORDSource object).
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Get the updated time of some audio data:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDAudio; BEGIN SELECT p.product_audio INTO obj FROM pm.online_media p WHERE p.product_id = 1733; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Update time is:'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(TO_CHAR(obj.getUpdateTime(),'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')); COMMIT; END; /
Returns TRUE if the value of the source.local attribute (of the embedded ORDSource object) is 1, and returns FALSE if the value of the source.local attribute is 0. In other words, returns TRUE if the data is stored in a BLOB in the source.localData attribute or FALSE if the data is stored externally.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Determine whether or not the audio data is local:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDAudio; BEGIN SELECT p.product_audio INTO obj FROM pm.online_media p WHERE p.product_id = 1733; IF (obj.isLocal() = TRUE) THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('local is set true'); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('local is set false'); END IF; COMMIT; END; /
openSource(userArg IN RAW, ctx OUT RAW) RETURN INTEGER;
Opens a data source.
The user argument. This may be used by user-defined source plug-ins.
The source plug-in context information.
The return INTEGER is 0 (zero) for success and greater than 0 (for example, 1) for failure. The exact number and the meaning for that number is plug-in defined. For example, for the file plug-in, 1 might mean "File not found," 2 might mean "No such directory," and so forth.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
This exception is raised if you call the openSource( ) method and the value for the source.srcType attribute is NULL.
This exception is raised if you call the openSource( ) method and this method is not supported by the source plug-in being used.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Open an external data source:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDAudio; res INTEGER; ctx RAW(64) :=NULL; userArg RAW(64); BEGIN SELECT p.product_audio INTO obj FROM pm.online_media p WHERE p.product_id = 1733; res := obj.openSource(userArg, ctx); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN ORDSYS.ORDSourceExceptions.METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ORDSourceExceptions.METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED caught'); WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('EXCEPTION caught'); END; /
processSourceCommand(ctx IN OUT RAW,
arguments IN VARCHAR2,
result OUT RAW)
Lets you send any command and its arguments to the source plug-in. This method is available only for user-defined source plug-ins.
The source plug-in context information. This should be allocated and initialized to NULL. If you are using a user-defined source plug-in, you should call the openSource( ) method. See the introduction to this chapter for more information.
Any command recognized by the source plug-in.
The arguments of the command.
The result of calling this method returned by the source plug-in.
Use this method to send any command and its respective arguments to the source plug-in. Commands are not interpreted; they are just taken and passed through to be processed.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
This exception is raised if you call the processSourceCommand( ) method and the value of the source.srcType attribute is NULL.
This exception is raised if you call the processSource( ) method and this method is not supported by the source plug-in being used.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
readFromSource(ctx IN OUT RAW,
startPos IN INTEGER,
buffer OUT RAW);
Lets you read a buffer of n bytes from a source beginning at a start position.
The source plug-in context information. This should be allocated and initialized to NULL. If you are using a user-defined source plug-in, you should call the openSource( ) method. See the introduction to this chapter for more information.
The start position in the data source.
The number of bytes to be read from the data source.
The buffer into which the data will be read.
This method is not supported for HTTP sources.
To successfully read HTTP source types, you must request that the entire URL source be read. If you want to implement a read method for an HTTP source type, you must provide your own implementation for this method in the modified source plug-in for the HTTP source type.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
This exception is raised if you call the readFromSource( ) method and the value of the source.srcType attribute is NULL.
This exception is raised if you call the readFromSource( ) method and this method is not supported by the source plug-in being used.
This exception is raised if you call the readFromSource( ) method and the value of source.local is 1 or NULL (TRUE), but the value of the source.localData attribute is NULL.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Read a buffer from the source:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDAudio; buffer RAW(4000); i INTEGER; ctx RAW(64) :=NULL; BEGIN i := 20; SELECT p.product_audio into obj from pm.online_media p WHERE p.product_id = 1733; obj.readFromSource(ctx,1,i,buffer); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Length is ' || TO_CHAR(obj.getContentLength(ctx))); COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN ORDSYS.ORDSourceExceptions.METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ORDSourceExceptions.METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED caught'); WHEN ORDSYS.ORDSourceExceptions.INCOMPLETE_SOURCE_INFORMATION THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ORDSourceExceptions.INCOMPLETE_SOURCE_INFORMATION caught'); WHEN ORDSYS.ORDSourceExceptions.NULL_SOURCE THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ORDSourceExceptions.NULL_SOURCE caught'); WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('EXCEPTION caught'); END; /
setLocal( );
Sets the source.local attribute (of the embedded ORDSource object) to indicate that the data is stored internally in a BLOB. When the source.local attribute is set, methods look for corresponding data in the source.localData attribute.
This method sets the source.local attribute to 1, meaning the data is stored locally in the source.localData attribute.
This exception is raised if you call the setLocal( ) method and the source.localData attribute value is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Set the flag to local for the data:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDAudio; BEGIN SELECT product_audio INTO obj FROM online_media WHERE product_id = 1733; obj.setLocal; UPDATE online_media SET product_audio = obj WHERE product_id = 1733; COMMIT; END; /
setMimeType(mime IN VARCHAR2);
Lets you set the MIME type of the data.
The MIME type.
You can override the automatic setting of MIME information by calling this method with a specified MIME value.
Calling this method implicitly calls the setUpdateTime( ) method.
The method setProperties( ) calls this method implicitly.
For image objects, the methods process( ) and processCopy( ) also call this method implicitly.
This exception is raised if you call the setMimeType( ) method and the value for the mime parameter is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Set the MIME type for some stored data:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDAudio; BEGIN SELECT p.product_audio INTO obj FROM pm.online_media p WHERE p.product_id = 1733 FOR UPDATE; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('writing current mimetype'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('----------------'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(obj.getMimeType); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('setting and writing new mimetype'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('----------------'); obj.setMimeType('audio/basic'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(obj.getMimeType); UPDATE pm.online_media p SET p.product_audio = obj WHERE p.product_id = 1733; COMMIT; END; /
setSource(source_type IN VARCHAR2,
source_location IN VARCHAR2,
source_name IN VARCHAR2);
Sets or alters information about the external source of the data.
The type of the external source data. See the ORDSource Object Type definition in Chapter 9 for more information.
The location of the external source data. See the ORDSource Object Type definition in Chapter 9 for more information.
The name of the external source data. See the ORDSource Object Type definition in Chapter 9 for more information.
Users can use this method to set the data source to a new FILE or URL.
You must ensure that the directory indicated by the source_location parameter exists or is created before you use this method.
Calling this method implicitly calls the source.setUpdateTime( ) method and the clearLocal( ) method.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
This exception is raised if you call the setSource( ) method and the value of the source.srcType attribute is NULL.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Set the source of the data:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDAudio; BEGIN SELECT p.product_audio INTO obj FROM pm.online_media p WHERE p.product_id = 1733 FOR UPDATE; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('setting and getting source'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('--------------------------'); obj.setSource('file','FILE_DIR',''); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(obj.getSource()); UPDATE pm.online_media p SET p.product_audio = obj WHERE p.product_id = 1733; COMMIT; END; /
setUpdateTime(current_time DATE);
Sets the time when the data was last updated (the source.srcUpdateTime attribute of the embedded ORDSource object). Use this method whenever you modify the data. Methods that modify the object attributes and all set media access methods call this method implicitly. For example, the methods setMimeType( ), setSource( ), and deleteContent( ) call this method explicitly.
The time stamp to be stored. Defaults to SYSDATE.
You must invoke this method whenever you modify the data without using object methods.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Set the updated time of some data:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDAudio; BEGIN SELECT p.product_audio INTO obj FROM pm.online_media p WHERE p.product_id = 1733 FOR UPDATE; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('current update time:'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(obj.getUpdateTime); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('set and get new update time:'); obj.setUpdateTime(SYSDATE); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(obj.getUpdateTime); UPDATE pm.online_media p SET p.product_audio = obj WHERE p.product_id = 1733; COMMIT; END; /
trim(ctx IN OUT RAW,
Trims a data source.
The source plug-in context information. This should be allocated and initialized to NULL. If you are using a user-defined source plug-in, you should call the openSource( ) method. See the introduction to this chapter for more information.
The trimmed new length.
The return INTEGER is 0 (zero) for success and greater than 0 (for example, 1) for failure. The exact number and the meaning for that number is plug-in defined. For example, for the file plug-in, 1 might mean "File not found," 2 might mean "No such directory," and so forth.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
This exception is raised if you call the trimSource( ) method and the value for the source.srcType attribute is NULL.
This exception is raised if you call the trimSource( ) method and this method is not supported by the source plug-in being used.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Trim an external data source:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDAudio; res INTEGER; ctx RAW(64) :=NULL; BEGIN SELECT p.product_audio INTO obj FROM pm.online_media p WHERE p.product_id = 1733 FOR UPDATE; res := obj.trimSource(ctx,0); UPDATE pm.online_media p SET p.product_audio = obj WHERE p.product_id = 1733; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN ORDSYS.ORDSourceExceptions.METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ORDSourceExceptions.METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED caught'); WHEN ORDSYS.ORDSourceExceptions.INCOMPLETE_SOURCE_INFORMATION THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ORDSourceExceptions.INCOMPLETE_SOURCE_INFORMATION caught'); WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('EXCEPTION caught'); END; /
startPos IN INTEGER,
buffer IN RAW);
Lets you write a buffer of n bytes to a source beginning at a start position.
The source plug-in context information. This should be allocated and initialized to NULL. If you are using a user-defined source plug-in, you should call the openSource( ) method. See the introduction to this chapter for more information.
The start position in the source to where the buffer should be copied.
The number of bytes to be written to the source.
The buffer of data to be written.
This method assumes that the source lets you write n number of bytes starting at a random byte location. The file and HTTP source types will not permit you to write, and do not support this method. This method will work if data is stored in a local BLOB or is accessible through a user-defined source plug-in.
This exception is raised when the value of the <object-type>.source attribute is NULL.
This exception can be raised by ORDAudio, ORDDoc, ORDImage, or ORDVideo object types. Replace <object-type> with the object type to which you apply this method.
This exception is raised if you call the writeToSource( ) method and the value of the source.srcType attribute is NULL.
This exception is raised if you call the writeToSource( ) method and this method is not supported by the source plug-in being used.
This exception is raised if you call the writeToSource( ) method and the value of source.local is 1 or NULL (TRUE), but the value of the source.localData attribute is NULL.
See Appendix G for more information about these exceptions.
Write a buffer to the source:
DECLARE obj ORDSYS.ORDAudio; n INTEGER := 6; ctx RAW(64) :=NULL; BEGIN SELECT p.product_audio INTO obj FROM pm.online_media p WHERE p.product_id = 1743 FOR UPDATE; obj.writeToSource(ctx,1,n,UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW('helloP')); UPDATE pm.online_media p SET p.product_audio = obj WHERE p.product_id = 1743; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Length is ' || TO_CHAR(obj.getContentLength(ctx))); -- Roll back the transaction to keep the sample schema unchanged. ROLLBACK; EXCEPTION WHEN ORDSYS.ORDSourceExceptions.METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ORDSourceExceptions.METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED caught'); WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('EXCEPTION caught'); END; /