The Touchpoint entity consists of Store Workstation which is the parent of Work Station Display and Call Center which is the Child of User and Organization Business Unit.
The Organization Business Unit entity consists of
Organization Store which has Selling Location which has a self-relation
Organization Warehouse
Organization Web Store
Organization Distribution Center
Organization Catalog
Organization Business Unit:
Occurs in Organization Banner
Has Inventory Location which has a self-relation
Comprised of Organization Department, Business Unit Shift, and Business Unit Job Role for Business Unit Shift
Located at an Address Area Location which falls under a Trade Area
Falls into a Market Area which occurs in Market Area Level
Falls into a Trade Area which is the parent of Trade Coverage
Is in Organization Market Data
Operates on Business Unit Calendar and has Day Actual Contion. (Day is the parent of both Business Unit Calendar and Day Actual Condition.)
Is within Organization District which is within Organization Region which is within Organiztion Area which is within Organization Chain which is within Company.