Oracle® Transparent Gateway for DB2 Installation and User's Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for IBM z/OS (OS/390) Part Number B16220-02 |
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OSDI provides a set of system commands for defining and controlling instances of Oracle products. This appendix is the primary reference for all OSDI commands.
This appendix includes the following sections:
OSDI provides a set of system commands for defining and controlling instances of Oracle products. This appendix is the primary reference for all OSDI commands.
OSDI commands are broadly divided into definition commands and operating commands, as follows:
Definition commands are used to create and manipulate data structures that describe service groups and services. These commands commonly appear in the subsystem configuration file.
Operating commands are used to manage execution of services.
Three mechanisms exist for issuing OSDI commands:
Subsystem configuration file, processed during subsystem initialization
System operator command interfaces for z/OS (system consoles, SDSF, SYS1.PARMLIB (COMMNDxx
), Netview, and others)
OSDI program interface, used internally by Oracle products.
When an OSDI command is issued using a z/OS system operator command interface, the target subsystem is specified by using the command prefix associated with the subsystem. When the program interface is used to issue an OSDI command, the target is identified by its subsystem name rather than a command prefix. Commands in the configuration file always apply to the subsystem (service group) being initialized, and they must omit the prefix.
Commands generally result in synchronous response messages ranging from simple acknowledgment to multiline displays. Responses to commands that are issued through system operator facilities normally are directed to the issuing console. Various operating commands can result in subsequent, asynchronous messages. These messages are not necessarily directed to the console or session that issued the original command.
To meet the requirement that the particulars of a service (that runs on multiple systems in a sysplex) can be tailored by system, z/OS system symbols (alphanumeric names prefixed with the ampersand character, "&") can be used in the specification of certain OSDI command parameters. These command parameters resolve to system-specific or IPL-specific values set by z/OS or by the installation. If a command parameter can include system symbols, this capability is noted in the parameter description.
Definition commands are used to create, modify, and display the data structures of the service group. An initial set of commands in the configuration file directs the building of these structures during subsystem initialization. Subsequent definition commands can be used to add new service definitions, modify existing definitions, and so on. The overall data structure persists for the life of the IPL.
The definition commands operate only on data structures; they do not directly affect the operation of services.
Three definition commands are supported:
The definition commands operate about the following structures:
- The primary structure of the subsystem.
- A structure representing an instance of an Oracle product.
The various parts of these structures are generally referred to as attributes. Definition commands use keywords to identify attributes being set or modified.
The following sections provide information about Service Group Definition Commands.
must be the first command issued to a newly initialized subsystem; normally, it appears in the configuration file just after the bootstrap (INIT)
must be processed successfully in order for any other OSDI commands or functions to be usable.
The command structure for defining a service group is shown in the following example:
DEFINE SERVICEGROUP [ SSID( string ) ] [ DESCRIPTION( string ) ] [ MODE( LOCAL | SYSPLEX | *SYS ) ] [ SYSTEMS( sysname [ sysname... ] | *ALL ) ]
Parameter | Description |
Specifies the one-character to four-character z/OS subsystem name associated with the service group. If coded, then it must match the subsystem identifier specified in the IEFSSNxx parmlib member or the SETSSI operator command. This parameter defaults to the correct value. It is therefore coded only to confirm that the correct configuration file is in use. String cannot contain system symbols. |
Specifies an arbitrary text string of up to 64 characters that appears in certain displays associated with the service group. This can be used to supply installation-specific identification for the service group. The default value is 'Service Group ssn ' where ssn is the subsystem name. String can contain system symbols but should not contain non-printable characters or control characters. |
This parameter is not yet supported. |
This parameter is not yet supported. |
is used to modify attributes of a service group. It can be included in the configuration file, and it can be issued after initialization. Not all attributes can be altered. The subsystem ID, for example, is constant for the life of the IPL.
The command structure for altering a service group is shown in the following example:
ALTER SERVICEGROUP [ DESCRIPTION( string ) ] [ MODE( LOCAL | SYSPLEX ) ] [ SYSTEMS( sysname [ sysname... ] | *ALL ) ]
Parameter | Description |
Specifies an arbitrary text string of up to 64 characters that appears in certain displays associated with the service group. This can be used to supply installation-specific identification for the service group. String can contain system symbols but should not contain non-printable or control characters. |
This parameter is not yet supported. |
This parameter is not yet supported. |
The following sections provide information about service definition commands.
is used to create a structure for executing an installed Oracle product. It can be included in the configuration file, and it can be issued after initialization. Once a service is defined, it can be started, stopped, etc. using operating commands.
The command structure for defining a service is shown in the following example:
DEFINE SERVICE name TYPE( string ) PROC( string ) [ DESCRIPTION( string ) ] [ PARM( string ) ] [ MAXAS( number ) ] [ SID( string ) ] [ JOBNAME( string ) ] [ JOBACCT( string ) ] [ MODE( SYSPLEX | LOCAL ) ] [ SYSTEMS( sysname [ sysname... ] | *SVG ) ]
is used to modify attributes of a defined service. It can be included in the configuration file, and it can be issued after initialization. The name, type, maximum address spaces, and SID of a service cannot be altered.
OSDI does not prohibit altering the definition of a running service. This enables some useful capabilities, but it may also be harmful if misused. For example, changing the JCL procedure of a running multiple address space service would have unpredictable consequences when additional auxiliary address spaces are started.
The command structure for altering a service is shown in the following example:
ALTER SERVICE name [ DESCRIPTION( string ) ] [ PROC( string ) ] [ PARM( string ) ] [ MAXAS( number ) ] [ JOBNAME( string ) ] [ JOBACCT( string ) ] [ MODE( SYSPLEX | LOCAL ) ] [ SYSTEMS( sysname [ sysname... ] | *SVG ) ]
Parameter | Description |
name |
Specifies the name of the service to be altered. It must be the name of an existing service in the service group. Name cannot contain system symbols.
Note: The name of a service cannot be altered. |
Specifies an arbitrary text string of up to 64 characters that appears in certain displays associated with the service. This can be used to supply installation-specific identification for the service. String can contain system symbols but should not contain non-printable or control characters. |
Specifies the member name in a system procedure library used to start an address space for the service. Usually, this is a procedure that is created during installation of the associated Oracle for z/OS product. String cannot contain system symbols.
Note: Altering PROC while a multiple address space or multiple system service is running can have unpredictable effects. |
Specifies a parameter string passed to the service when an address space is started. Requirements for this string depend on the service type and are discussed in the associated Oracle for z/OS product documentation. The value specified can contain system symbols.
Note: Altering PARM while a multiple address space or multiple system service is running can have unpredictable effects. |
Specifies the maximum number of address spaces that can be started for the service. This is meaningful only for a database (TYPE(ORA) ) service. MAXAS is accepted on an ALTER SERVICE command only when the service is not active. If the service is active, starting, or stopping, then an ALTER SERVICE command with MAXAS specified will be rejected. |
Specifies a jobname to use when starting service address spaces, as discussed under DEFINE SERVICE . You can nullify (remove) a service jobname specification by coding JOBNAME('') . The value specified cannot contain system symbols. |
Specifies job accounting data to be included when service address spaces are started, as discussed under DEFINE SERVICE . You can nullify (remove) job accounting data by coding JOBACCT('') . The value specified can contain system symbols. |
This parameter is not yet supported. |
This parameter is not yet supported. |
Operating commands manage the execution of services. They are normally issued through the z/OS command interface, either automatically (for example, COMMND
member of SYS1.PARMLIB
) or by a real operator. They might also be issued through the OSDI program interface by a management component such as Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent. Operating commands are also permitted in the service group configuration file.
Five operating commands are provided:
- Start execution of a service.
- Display operating status of a service.
- Place a service in quiescent state.
- Restore a service to normal operation.
- Stop execution of a service.
All the operating commands take a service name as the first positional parameter. This service name must be the name of a defined service.
The following sections provide information about commands.
command initiates execution of an address space for a specified service. For a database service, this can be the first address space (service not previously started) or an auxiliary address space (service previously started and initialized successfully but not yet at its maximum address spaces). For other types of services the service must not already be running.
The command structure for starting a service is shown in the following example:
[ PARM( string ) ]
Parameter | Description |
name |
Name specifies the name of the service to start. It must be a defined service whose current state is inactive or, if active, must not already have its maximum address spaces running. |
Specifies a parameter string passed to the service when an address space is started. This overrides any PARM value established by DEFINE or ALTER SERVICE . Requirements for this string depend on the service type and are discussed in Chapter 5, "Configuring a Gateway Service" and Chapter 6, "Oracle Net". String can contain system symbols.
Note: A |
command displays execution status information for services. OSDI displays the current operating state of the service. If the service state is "active" or "drained", then the command is also posted to the running service for further processing at the service's discretion.
The command structure for displaying a service is shown in the following example:
Parameter | Description |
name |
Specifies the name of the service to be displayed. |
Specifies that a more detailed display is desired. This provides information about each active address space of the service. |
command places a running service in a quiescent state in which it no longer accepts new connection (bind) requests. Existing connections or sessions are not affected. The command is also posted to the running service for further discretionary processing. This command has no effect when the service is not running.
The command structure for draining a service is shown in the following example:
DRAIN name
parameter is name, which specifies the name of the service to be made quiescent. This must be the name of a running service whose current state is active.
command reverses the effect of a drain, allowing a service to begin accepting new connection requests. The command is also posted to the running service for further discretionary processing. This command has no effect when the service is not running.
The command structure for resuming a service is shown in the following example:
parameter is name, which specifies the name of the service to be resumed. This must be the name of a running service whose current state is drained.
command requests termination of a running service. The normal mode of stop changes the service state to stopping and posts the stop request to the service; it is up to the service to comply, presumably after allowing current requests to complete and performing required cleanup. A force option causes the service address spaces to be terminated involuntarily. The force form of stop requires that a normal stop be issued first. This command has no effect when the service is not running.
The command structure for stopping a service is shown in the following example:
STOP name [ FORCE ]
The abbreviated or alternative forms that can be used for OSDI command verbs and parameter keywords are as follows: