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Oracle® Database Installation Guide
10g Release 2 (10.2) for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)

Part Number B14316-04
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4 Oracle Database Postinstallation Tasks

This chapter describes the following postinstallation configuration tasks:

4.1 Installing the Latest Patch Set Release

Oracle recommends installing the latest patch set release after successful installation of Oracle Database.

You must register online before using OracleMetaLink. After logging in to OracleMetaLink, select Patches from the left-hand column.

To find and download patches:

  1. Go to the OracleMetaLink Web site at
  2. Log in to OracleMetaLink.


    If you are not an OracleMetaLink registered user, then click Register for MetaLink! and follow the registration instructions.
  3. Click Patches on the main OracleMetaLink page.

  4. Select Simple Search.

  5. Specify the following information, then click Go:

    • In the Search By field, select Product or Family, then specify RDBMS Server.

    • In the Release field, specify the current release number.

    • In the Patch Type field, specify Patchset/Minipack

    • In the Platform or Language field, select your platform.

  6. Find the latest patch set for Oracle Database using OracleMetaLink.

  7. From the list of available patches, select a patch to download.

    Patch sets for Oracle databases are identified as x.x.x PATCH SET FOR ORACLE DATABASE SERVER.

  8. Review the README file before proceeding with the download.

    Each patch has a README file with installation requirements and instructions. Some patches install with Oracle Universal Installer; others require special procedures. Oracle recommends that you always read the README file before proceeding.

  9. Download and install the patch.

4.2 Validating Invalid PL/SQL Modules

Oracle recommends running the utlrp.sql script after creating or upgrading a database. This script recompiles all PL/SQL modules that may be in an INVALID state, including packages, procedures, types, and so on. This step is optional, but recommended so that the performance cost of recompilation is incurred during the installation rather than in the future.


There should be no other data definition language (DDL) statements running on the database while the script is running, and packages STANDARD and DBMS_STANDARD must already be valid.
  1. Start SQL*Plus:

    SYSTEM_DRIVE:\> sqlplus /nolog
  2. Connect to the database with the SYS account:


    where PASSWORD is the password you assigned to the SYS account during installation.

  3. Start the database (if necessary):

  4. Run the utlrp.sql script, which by default is located in ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\rdbms\admin\utlrp.sql. For example:

    SQL> @c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\rdbms\admin\utlrp.sql

4.3 Configuring Oracle Components

You must configure many Oracle components and options before you can use them. Before using individual Oracle Database components or options, see the appropriate manual available on the Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2) Online Documentation Library and the Oracle Technology Network Web site.

This section contains these topics:


You need only perform postinstallation tasks for components that you intend to use.

4.3.1 Configuring Oracle Messaging Gateway

Oracle Messaging Gateway, an Oracle Database Advanced Queuing feature, requires additional configuration after you install Oracle Database if you plan to use Oracle Database Advanced Queuing.

See Also:

"Loading and Setting Up Oracle Messaging Gateway" in Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide and Reference

4.3.2 Configuring Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows

Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows requires the Microsoft Management Console and HTML Help 1.2 or later to run. Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 1.2 is included with Windows 2000; version 2.0 of MMC ships with Windows 2003 and Windows XP; version 3.0 of MMC is available with Windows Vista. Oracle recommends the latest MMC version available.

See Also:

Microsoft documentation at

4.3.3 Installing Natively Compiled Java Libraries for Oracle JVM and Oracle interMedia

If you plan to use Oracle Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or Oracle interMedia, Oracle recommends that you install the natively compiled Java libraries (NCOMPs) used by those components from the Oracle Database Companion CD. These libraries are required to improve the performance of the components on your platform.

See Also:

"Installing Oracle Database Components from the Companion CD" for more information about installing components from the Companion CD

4.3.4 Running Oracle Cluster Synchronization Services from a Different Oracle Home

To reconfigure Oracle Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) to run from a different Oracle home, enter the following at the command prompt:

localconfig reset [destination_Oracle_home]

where destination_Oracle_home is required if you run this command from the Oracle home where the CSS service is currently configured.

4.3.5 Configuring Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor

Before using Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor to view Oracle-specific counters, you must specify the SYSTEM password using the Operfcfg.exe executable located in the ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\bin directory.

To set the system password, enter the following:

SYSTEM_DRIVE:\> ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\bin\operfcfg.exe -U SYSTEM -P password -D TNS_Alias_for_database 

See Also:

Oracle Database Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit) for additional information about Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor

4.3.6 Configuring Oracle Label Security

If you installed Oracle Label Security, you must configure it in a database before you use it. You can configure Oracle Label Security with or without Oracle Internet Directory integration. If you configure Oracle Label Security without Oracle Internet Directory integration, you cannot configure it to use Oracle Internet Directory at a later stage.


To configure Oracle Label Security with Oracle Internet Directory integration, Oracle Internet Directory must be installed in your environment and the Oracle database must be registered in the directory.

See Also:

Oracle Label Security Administrator's Guide for more information about Oracle Label Security enabled with Oracle Internet Directory

4.3.7 Configuring Oracle Net Services

If you have a previous release of Oracle software installed on this system, you can copy information from the Oracle Net tnsnames.ora and listener.ora configuration files from the previous release to the corresponding files for the new release.


The default location for the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files is the ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\network\admin\ directory.

Modifying the listener.ora File

If you are upgrading from a previous release of Oracle Database, Oracle recommends that you use the current release of Oracle Net listener instead of the listener from the previous release.

To use the listener from the current release, you may need to copy static service information from the listener.ora file from the previous release to the version of that file used by the new release.

For any database instances earlier than release 8.0.3, add static service information to the listener.ora file. Oracle Database releases later than release 8.0.3 do not require static service information.

Modifying the tnsnames.ora File

Unless you are using a central tnsnames.ora file, copy Oracle Net service names and connect descriptors from the previous release tnsnames.ora file to the version of that file used by the new release.

If necessary, you can also add connection information for additional database instances to the new file.

4.3.8 Installing Oracle Text Supplied Knowledge Bases

An Oracle Text knowledge base is a hierarchical tree of concepts used for theme indexing, ABOUT queries, and deriving themes for document services. If you plan to use any of these Oracle Text features, you can install two supplied knowledge bases (English and French) from the Oracle Database Companion CD.

See Also:

  • Oracle Text Reference for information about creating and extending knowledge bases, such as extending the supplied knowledge bases to accommodate your requirements, or creating your own knowledge bases in languages other than English and French

  • "Installing Oracle Database Components from the Companion CD" for more information about installing components from the Companion CD

4.3.9 Configuring or Reinstalling Oracle XML DB

See Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide for more information about the following tasks:

  • Reinstalling Oracle XML DB

  • Configuring or customizing the Oracle XML DB tablespace

  • Configuring FTP, HTTP/WebDAV port numbers

See Also:

Appendix A of Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide

4.3.10 Configuring PL/SQL External Procedures

Configuring PL/SQL depends on the network configuration files used. In nearly all cases, configuration is automatic. However, if you are using pre-8.0.3 tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files with your 10g Release 2 (10.2) database, you need to manually configure them.

See Also:

"Developing Applications for Windows" of Oracle Database Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)

4.3.11 Configuring Shared Server Support

Configuring shared server support depends on how support was installed. If you installed Oracle Database through the Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition, or Personal Edition installation types, then shared support was not configured. If you created your database through Oracle Database Configuration Assistant, then you were offered a choice of shared or dedicated server support.

See Also:

"Postinstallation Configuration Tasks on Windows" of Oracle Database Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit)

4.3.12 Setting Credentials for the Job System to Work with Enterprise Manager

Windows systems require that you set the correct credentials for the Jobs system to work properly in Enterprise Manager. By default, the Management Agent service is installed as a LocalSystem user. When submitting jobs, such as stopping or starting the database, the user submitting the job must have the Log on as a batch job privilege enabled.

Perform the following steps to establish that privilege for any operating system user who needs to submit an Enterprise Manager job.

  1. Start the Local Security Policy tool:

    • Windows 2000: From the Start menu, select Control Panel, Administrative Tools, then Local Security Policy.

    • Windows 2003: From the Start menu, select Administrative Tools, then Local Security Policy.

    • Windows XP: From the Start menu, select Control Panel, Administrative Tools, then Local Security Policy.

    • Windows Vista: From the Start menu, select Programs, Administrative Tools, then Local Security Policy.

  2. Under the Security Settings list, expand the list to Local Policies.

  3. Under Local Policies, double-click User Rights Assignment.

  4. Under Policy, search for the Log on as a batch job policy.

    If the Management Agent service is installed as any other user (that is, not LocalSystem), then, in addition to granting the Log on as a batch job privilege, you must grant the "Windows service" user the following three privileges:

    • Act as part of the operating system

    • Adjust memory quotas for a process (This setting is named Increase memory quotas on Windows 2000.)

    • Replace a process level token

  5. With each policy, perform the following steps:

    1. Double-click the policy name.

    2. In the Properties dialog box, click Add User or Group.

    3. In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, enter the name of the user (for example, jsmith, administrator, and so on.)


      On Windows Vista, the name of the dialog box is Select Users, Computers, or Groups.
    4. Click Check Names to check that you have entered the name correctly.

    5. Click OK.

  6. Click OK to exit the Properties dialog box, then exit Local Security Settings and Administrative Tools.

  7. Restart your computer.

If a user exists locally and at the domain level, Windows gives the local user precedence. To use the domain user, qualify the user name with the domain name. For example, to use the user joe in the ACCOUNTS domain specify the user name as ACCOUNTS\joe.

4.3.13 Configuring Oracle Database to Communicate with Automatic Storage Management

On Windows, Oracle Database installations that use Automatic Storage Management must use Windows native authentication. By default, Windows native authentication is enabled. To ensure that it is, check the sqlnet.ora file, by default located in ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\network\admin, and make sure that it has NTS enabled. For example:


See Also:

Oracle Database Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit) for more information about Windows native authentication

4.3.14 Configuring Databases to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control

You have the option to configure Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control automatically when creating a new database using Database Control Assistant. This lets you administer your entire database using Enterprise Manager Database Control.

See Also:

Oracle Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration for information on configuring a database to use Database Control

4.3.15 Using Oracle9i Language and Definition Files with Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2)

You can use Oracle9i database language and territory definition files with Oracle Database 10g Release 2 (10.2).

To enable this functionality:

  1. Run the script, by default located in ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\nls\data\old.

    Alternatively, before you install Oracle Database, you can run the Oracle Universal Installer setup command with the b_cr9idata variable set to true, as follows:

    setup.exe oracle.rsf.nlsrtl_rsf:b_cr9idata=true
  2. Set the ORA_NLS10 environment variable to point to the directory where you installed the new language and territory definition files, which by default are in ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\nls\data.

  3. Restart Oracle Database.

See Also:

4.3.16 Configuring GNU Compiler Collection as the Primary Compiler

You can speed up the performance of PL/SQL modules such as packages by compiling them into native code that resides in shared libraries. This method translates the module into C code, compiles it with a C compiler, and then links it into the Oracle process. Remember that you must use one compiler to compile all your Oracle modules. You cannot compile some modules with the primary compiler and others with a different compiler.

If both the primary compiler for Windows and GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) are available, use the primary compiler. However, if the primary compiler is not available, use GCC.

See Also:

"Oracle Database Software Requirements" for list of supported compilers for Windows

To configure GCC as the primary compiler:

  1. Using a text editor, open the spnc_commands configuration file. In a default installation, the spnc_commands file is located in the \ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\plsql directory.

  2. Look for the following line of text and comment it out:

    cl.exe %(src) /nologo /Zm200 /Og /Oy /MD /Fo%(obj) /I$(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/public /I$(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/include /link /nologo /dll $(ORACLE_HOME)/lib/orapls10.lib /out:%(dll)
  3. Look for the following lines, which pertain to GCC, and uncomment them:

    #c:/MinGW/bin/gcc -c %(src) -O1 -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/public -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/include -o %(obj)
    #c:/MinGW/bin/ld -shared -e 0x0 %(obj) $(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/lib/libpncrt.a $(ORACLE_HOME)/lib/orapls10.lib -o %(dll)
  4. Modify the paths to point to the executable file and shared libraries of your installation of GCC.

    For example, if GCC is installed in c:\MinGW\bin, you modify the lines as follows:

    c:/MinGW/bin/gcc -c %(src) -O1 -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/public -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/include -o %(obj)
    c:/MinGW/bin/ld -shared -e 0x0 %(obj) $(ORACLE_HOME)/plsql/lib/libpncrt.a $(ORACLE_HOME)/lib/orapls10.lib -o %(dll)
  5. Save and exit the spnc_commands configuration file.

See Also:

  • PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference for more information about PL/SQL native compilation and the spnc_commands configuration file

  • for more information about GCC, including downloads

4.3.17 Installing Oracle Database Components from the Companion CD

The Oracle Database Companion CD contains additional database-related components that you can install. Whether you need to install these components depends on which Oracle Database components or features you plan to use. If you plan to use the following components or features, Oracle recommends that you install the components from the Companion CD:

  • JPublisher

  • Oracle Database Examples (formerly Oracle Demos)

  • Oracle JVM

  • Oracle interMedia

  • Oracle Text Supplied Knowledge Bases

  • Oracle Ultra Search

  • Oracle HTTP Server

  • Oracle HTML DB

  • Oracle Workflow server and middle-tier components

See Also:

Oracle Database Companion CD Installation Guide, available on the Companion CD, for detailed installation information