Oracle® Database Platform Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit) Part Number B15688-06 |
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This appendix lists error messages, causes, and corrective actions that are specific to operation of Oracle Database for Windows. This appendix also includes database connection issues.
This appendix contains these topics:
OSD-04000 to OSD-04599: Windows-Specific Oracle Database Messages
file, which was shipped in previous releases, is no longer available. See this Appendix, Oracle Database Error Messages, and Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual for information about error messages.CONNECT INTERNAL
is no longer supported.CONNECT / AS SYSDBA
. If NTS is not enabled, you can connect as CONNECT SYS/password AS SYSDBA
. You can also connect as an existing user with the appropriate password.Error messages in this section are Oracle Database operating system-dependent (OSD) messages displayed in response to an error condition in Windows. Each message in this section triggers an Oracle Database error message.
Error messages appear first in summary tables consisting of error numbers and the corresponding error message. Following the tables is a more detailed discussion of errors, including causes and corrective actions.
Miscellaneous Errors: OSD-04500 to OSD-04599
File I/O Errors: | OSD-04000 to OSD-04099 |
4000 | Logical block size mismatch |
4001 | Invalid logical block size |
4002 | Unable to open file |
4003 | Unable to read file header block |
4004 | Invalid file header |
4005 | SetFilePointer() failure, unable to read from file |
4006 | ReadFile() failure, unable to read from file |
4007 | Truncated read |
4008 | WriteFile() failure, unable to write to file |
4009 | Truncated write |
4010 | <create> option specified, file already exists |
4011 | GetFileInformationByHandle() failure, unable to obtain file info |
4012 | File size mismatch |
4013 | Unable to read line from file |
4014 | Unable to close file |
4015 | An asynchronous I/O request returned an error |
4016 | Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request |
4017 | Unable to open the specified RAW device |
4018 | Unable to access the specified directory or device |
4019 | Unable to set file pointer |
4020 | Unable to set eof file marker |
4021 | Unable to read file |
4022 | Unable to write file |
4023 | SleepEx() failure, unable to Sleep |
4024 | Unable to delete file |
4025 | Invalid question asked |
4026 | Invalid parameter passed |
Memory Errors: | OSD-04100 to OSD-04199 |
4100 | malloc() failure, unable to allocate memory |
4101 | Invalid SGA: SGA not initialized |
4102 | Unable to open/create file for shared memory object |
4103 | Unable to attach to SGA: SGA does not exist |
4104 | Unable to map shared memory (SGA) into the address space |
4105 | Shared memory (SGA) mapped to wrong address |
4106 | Unable to allocate memory with VirtualAlloc |
4107 | Unable to deallocate memory with VirtualFree |
4108 | Unable to protect memory with VirtualProtect |
Loader Errors: | OSD-04300 to OSD-04399 |
4300 | Unable to read complete record from datafile |
4301 | Record size too large |
4302 | Invalid record type, load options, or both |
Semaphore Errors: | OSD-04400 to OSD-04499 |
4400 | Unable to acquire internal semaphore for process |
4401 | WaitForSingleObject() failure, unable to obtain semaphore |
Miscellaneous Errors: | OSD-04500 to OSD-04599 |
4500 | Illegal option specified |
4501 | Internal buffer overflow |
4502 | Translations nested too deep |
4503 | Text contains no translatable elements |
4505 | stdin not responding |
4506 | Unable to spawn process via system() |
4510 | Operating system roles are not supported |
4511 | Unable to get date and time from the operating system |
4512 | Unable to translate the 'USERNAME' config.ora variable on server |
4513 | 'remote_os_authent' init.ora variable not set to true |
4514 | The Windows Group name is too long for internal buffer |
4515 | This command is not implemented at this time |
is a command-line tool for starting and stopping database instances that is only available on Oracle Database for Windows. It is not available on any other platform.
Oradim Errors | DIM-0000 to DIM-0039 |
00000 | ORADIM completed with no errors |
00001 | ORADIM: <command> [options]. Refer to manual. |
00002 | The specified command was invalid. |
00003 | An argument is missing for the parameter |
00004 | SID or service name was not specified. |
00005 | SID with more than 64 characters specified. |
00006 | Missing SID |
00007 | Missing or invalid - STARTMODE parameter. Valid - STARTMODE parameter is AUTO or MANUAL. |
00008 | A valid service name is OracleService appended with a SID |
00009 | SID name is mandatory. |
00010 | SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\OracleService key does not exist. |
00011 | The specified service does not exist. |
00012 | A PFILE is necessary for AUTOSTART option. |
00013 | Service start mode could not be set in the registry. |
00014 | Cannot open the Windows Service Control Manager. |
00015 | Cannot start already-running ORACLE - shut it down first. |
00016 | Missing or invalid - SHUTTYPE parameter. A valid - SHUTTYPE parameter is SRVC or INST. |
00017 | Instance shutdown mode must be one of the following: a for abort, i for immediate or n for normal. |
00018 | Failed to stop Oracle Service. |
00019 | Create Service Error. |
00020 | A service for this name exists. |
00021 | Registry open failed. |
00023 | Create an instance by specifying the following options: |
00024 | -NEW -SID sid | -SRVC srvc | -ASMSID sid | -ASMSRVC srvc [-SYSPWD pass] |
00025 | [-STARTMODE auto | manual] [-SRVCSTART system | demand] [-PFILE file | -SPFILE] |
00026 | [-SHUTMODE normal | immediate | abort] [-TIMEOUT secs] [-RUNAS osusr/ospass] |
00027 | Edit an instance by specifying the following options: |
00028 | -EDIT -SID sid | -ASMSID sid [-SYSPWD pass] |
00029 | [-STARTMODE auto | manual] [SRVCSTART system | demand] [-PFILE file | -SPFILE] |
00030 | [-SHUTMODE normal | immediate | abort] [-SHUTTYPE srvc | inst] [-RUNAS osusr/ospass] |
00031 | Delete instances by specifying the following options: |
00032 | -DELETE -SID sid | -ASMSID sid | -SRVC srvc | -ASMSRVC srvc |
00033 | Startup services and instance by specifying the following options: |
00034 | -STARTUP -SID sid | -ASMSID sid [-SYSPWD pass] |
00035 | [-STARTTYPE srvc | inst | srvc,inst] [-PFILE filename | -SPFILE] |
00036 | Shutdown services and instance by specifying the following options: |
00037 | -SHUTDOWN -SID sid | -ASMSID sid [-SYSPWD pass] |
00038 | [-SHUTTYPE srvc | inst | srvc,inst] [-SHUTMODE normal | immediate | abort] |
00039 | Query for help by specifying the following parameters: -? | -h | -help |
00040 | Invalid option for the -NEW command. |
00041 | Invalid option for the -EDIT command. |
00042 | Invalid option for the -DELETE command. |
00043 | Invalid option for the -STARTUP command. |
00044 | Invalid option for the -SHUTDOWN command. |
00045 | Internal error in ORADIM. |
00046 | Invalid Pfile. |
00050 | Instance deleted. |
00051 | Instance created. |
00075 | Failed to control service. |
00076 | Failed to delete service. |
00077 | Failed to change service configuration. |
00078 | Failed to start service. |
The following are common Oracle Database connection error codes, their causes, and suggested remedies.
to spawn
and listener.ora files have not been correctly configured to use external procedures.oradim -delete -sid
where sid
is the name of your database (for example, orcl
). Re-create the SID and services by entering: oradim -new -sid
-startmode auto -pfile