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Find the term you want in the alphabetical list, and click on the link to see its definition. The definition is displayed in its own small window, which you can close after reading the definition. When a term is defined in more than one book, each definition is listed.
Acronyms | Symbols | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P |
Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z |
PA | PC | PE | PG | PH | PI | PK | PL | PM | PO | PR | PS | PU |
packet (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Net Services Reference)
page space (OLAP User's Guide)
page (OLAP User's Guide)
paging (Performance Tuning Guide)
parallel execution (Data Warehousing Guide)
[definition #2] (Concepts)
parallel recovery (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
parallelism (Data Warehousing Guide)
parent element (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
parent incarnation (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
parent workspace (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
parent (Data Warehousing Guide)
[definition #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
parent-child relation (OLAP User's Guide)
parse call (Performance Tuning Guide)
parse (Performance Tuning Guide)
parsed character data (PCDATA) (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
parser (Performance Tuning Guide)
partial index (Concepts)
partial resynchronization (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
partition key (Concepts)
partition (Concepts)
[definition #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
[definition #3] (Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide)
partitioning (Concepts)
password file (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
Password-Accessible Domains List (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
path name (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
PATH_SECTION_GROUP (Text Application Developer's Guide)
PCDATA (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
PCMCIA cards (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
peer identity (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
PEM (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
performance bottleneck (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
Performance Class ranks (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
Performance Class (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
performance objectives (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
Performance Objectives (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
Performance Policy (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
Performance Satisfaction Metric (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
persistent LCR (Streams Concepts and Administration)
persistent LOB (SecureFiles and Large Objects Developer's Guide)
persistent queue (Streams Concepts and Administration)
persistent user message (Streams Concepts and Administration)
PGA (Concepts)
[definition #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
phantom (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
physical backup (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
physical corruption (High Availability Overview)
[definition #2] (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
physical guess (Concepts)
physical schema (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
physical standby database (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
[definition #2] (Data Guard Broker)
ping (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
pinning (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
PIO (Performance Tuning Guide)
pivoting (Data Warehousing Guide)
PKCS #10 (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
PKCS #11 (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
PKCS #12 (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
PKI (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
PL/SQL package (Concepts)
PL/SQL procedure (Concepts)
PL/SQL subprogram (Concepts)
PL/SQL (Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
[definition #2] (Concepts)
[definition #3] (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
[definition #4] (Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
[definition #5] (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
[definition #6] (Extensions for .NET Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
[definition #7] (Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
[definition #8] (COM Automation Feature Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
plaintext (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
plan generator (Performance Tuning Guide)
[definition #2] (Concepts)
pluggable mapping (Warehouse Builder Concepts)
PMON process (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Net Services Reference)
point-in-time recovery (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
policy managed (Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide)
Policy Set (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
policy-managed database (2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide)
[definition #2] (Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide)
polygon (Spatial Developer's Guide)
polymorphism (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
port number (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
portlets (Multimedia User's Guide)
positive rule set (Streams Concepts and Administration)
positive target value (Data Mining Concepts)
precalculate (OLAP User's Guide)
precision (Concepts)
precommit handler (Streams Concepts and Administration)
precompiler (Concepts)
[definition #2] (Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
precompute (OLAP User's Guide)
predicate (Concepts)
[definition #2] (Performance Tuning Guide)
predictive model (Data Mining Concepts)
predictor (Data Mining Concepts)
preference document (Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide)
preference (Text Application Developer's Guide)
prepared data (Data Mining Concepts)
prepared table (Streams Concepts and Administration)
preparer server (Streams Concepts and Administration)
presentation layer (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Net Services Reference)
primary database (Data Guard Broker)
primary filter (Spatial Developer's Guide)
primary key constraint (Concepts)
primary key (Concepts)
[definition #2] (Object-Relational Developer's Guide)
[definition #3] (Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide)
[definition #4] (Objects for OLE Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
principal (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
[definition #3] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
printjoin (Text Application Developer's Guide)
prior probabilities (Data Mining Concepts)
priors (Data Mining Concepts)
private attributes (Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide)
private database link (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Net Services Reference)
private dictionary document (Multimedia DICOM Developer's Guide)
private key (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
private keys (Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
private SQL area (Concepts)
privilege analysis (Concepts)
privilege (Concepts)
[definition #2] (Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
privileges (Workspace Manager Developer's Guide)
problem (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
procedure DML handler (Streams Concepts and Administration)
procedure (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
process flow module (Warehouse Builder Concepts)
process flow package (Warehouse Builder Concepts)
process flow (Warehouse Builder Concepts)
process (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
[definition #2] (Concepts)
[definition #3] (Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
producer (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
profile (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Net Services Reference)
profiles (Data Guard Broker)
progID (COM Automation Feature Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
program global area (PGA) (Concepts)
program name (Quality of Service Management User's Guide)
project (Warehouse Builder Concepts)
projected coordinates (Spatial Developer's Guide)
projection (Spatial Developer's Guide)
prolog (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
propagate (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
[definition #2] (In-Memory Database Cache User's Guide)
propagation job (Streams Concepts and Administration)
propagation schedule (Streams Concepts and Administration)
propagation (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
[definition #2] (Streams Concepts and Administration)
protocol address (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Net Services Reference)
[definition #3] (Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
[definition #4] (Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows)
[definition #5] (Installation Guide for IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-Bit))
[definition #6] (Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris)
[definition #7] (Installation Guide for HP-UX)
[definition #8] (Installation Guide for Linux)
protocol conversion (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Net Services Reference)
protocol message logging (TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide)
protocol stack (Net Services Reference)
[definition #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
protocol (Net Services Reference)
[definition #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
protocols (Multimedia User's Guide)
provider (Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
[definition #2] (Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide for Microsoft Windows)
proximity (Spatial Developer's Guide)
proxy authentication (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
proxy copy (Backup and Recovery User's Guide)
proxy server (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Net Services Reference)
pseudocolumn (Concepts)
public and private key pair (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
public database link (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Net Services Reference)
public key cryptography (Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
public key encryption (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
public key infrastructure (PKI) (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
public key (Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows)
[definition #2] (Enterprise User Security Administrator's Guide)
[definition #3] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
PUBLIC role (Security Guide)
PUBLIC (XML Developer's Kit Programmer's Guide)
publication ID (Data Warehousing Guide)
publication (Data Warehousing Guide)
publish/subscribe (Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide)
publisher (Data Warehousing Guide)
purge job (Security Guide)