Oracle® Warehouse Builder OMB*Plus Command Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2) E14406-01 |
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alterImportActionPlanCommand = ( OMBALTER ( IMPORT_ACTION_PLAN ) "QUOTED_STRING" ( "alterActionPlanClause" { "alterActionPlanClause" } ) ) alterActionPlanClause = "renameActionPlanClause" | "addActionClause" | "deleteActionClause" | "modifyActionClause" renameActionPlanClause = RENAME TO "QUOTED_STRING" addActionClause = ADD ACTION "QUOTED_STRING" ( "setPropertiesClause" [ "setRefSourceAndTargetClause" ] | "setRefSourceAndTargetClause" ) deleteActionClause = DELETE ACTION "QUOTED_STRING" modifyActionClause = MODIFY ACTION "QUOTED_STRING" "modifyActionOperation" { "modifyActionOperation" } setPropertiesClause = SET PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" VALUES "(" "propertyValueList" ")" setRefSourceAndTargetClause = SET ( REF | REFERENCE ) "sourcesClause" SET ( REF | REFERENCE ) "targetClause" modifyActionOperation = "renameActionClause" | "setPropertiesClause" | "setRefSourceClause" | "setRefTargetClause" | "deleteSourceClause" | "unsetTargetReferenceClause" propertyNameList = "UNQUOTED_STRING" { "," "UNQUOTED_STRING" } propertyValueList = "propertyValue" { "," "propertyValue" } sourcesClause = SOURCE "ObjType" "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET ( REF | REFERENCE ) "sourcesClause" ] targetClause = TARGET "ObjType" "QUOTED_STRING" renameActionClause = RENAME TO "QUOTED_STRING" setRefSourceClause = SET ( REF | REFERENCE ) "sourcesClause" setRefTargetClause = SET ( REF | REFERENCE ) "targetClause" deleteSourceClause = UNSET ( REF | REFERENCE ) SOURCE "ObjType" "QUOTED_STRING" unsetTargetReferenceClause = UNSET ( REF | REFERENCE ) TARGET propertyValue = ( "QUOTED_STRING" | "INTEGER_LITERAL" | "FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL" )
This command is for changing the details of an existing import action plan.
For setting any properties for the import action. For the current release, there are no predefined property for import actions.
For specifying source and target objects for the import action. The source objects are to be imported into target.