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Oracle® Database Error Messages
11g Release 2 (11.2)

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126 JMS-00400 to JMS-00448

JMS-00400: Destination name must be specified
Cause: A null Destination name was specified
Action: Specify a non-null destination name
JMS-00402: Class not found: {0}
Cause: The specified class was not found
Action: Make sure your CLASSPATH contains the class
JMS-00403: IO Exception {0}
Cause: IO exception
Action: See message is AQxmlException for details
JMS-00404: XML Parse Exception
Cause: An error occured in the XML Parser layer
Action: See the message inside the linked AQxmlException for more information
JMS-00405: XML SAX Exception
Cause: An error occured in the XML SAX layer
Action: See the message inside the linked AQxmlException for more information
JMS-00406: JMS Exception {0}
Cause: An error occured in the JMS layer
Action: See the message inside the linked JMSException for more information
JMS-00407: Operation not allowed on {0}
Cause: The specified operation is not allowed on this object
Action: None
JMS-00408: Conversion failed - invalid property type
Cause: An error occured while converting the property to the requested type
Action: Use the method corresponding to the property data type to retrieve it
JMS-00409: No such element
Cause: Element with specified name was not found in the map message
Action: None
JMS-00410: XML SQL Exception
Cause: An error occured in the JDBC SQL layer
Action: See the message inside the linked SQLException for more information
JMS-00411: Payload body cannot be null
Cause: An invalid body string or document was specified
Action: Specify a non-null body string or document
JMS-00412: Byte conversion failed
Cause: An invalid username/password was specified
Action: Specify a non-null username and password
JMS-00413: Autocommit not allowed for operation
Cause: The autocommit flag cannot be set for this operation
Action: Do not set the autocommit flag
JMS-00414: Destination owner must be specified
Cause: A null Destination owner was specified
Action: Specify a non-null destination name
JMS-00415: Invalid Visibility value
Cause: Visibility value specified is invalid
Action: Valid values are AQxmlConstants.VISIBILITY_ONCOMMIT, AQxmlConstants.VISIBILITY_IMMEDIATE
JMS-00416: Invalid Dequeue mode
Cause: Invalid dequeue mode was specified
Action: Valid Dequeue modes are AQxmlConstants.DEQUEUE_BROWSE, AQxmlConstants.DEQUEUE_REMOVE, AQxmlConstants.DEQUEUE_LOCKED, AQxmlConstants.DEQUEUE_REMOVE_NODATA
JMS-00417: Invalid Navigation mode
Cause: An invalid navigation mode was specified
Action: The valid navigation modes are AQxmlConstants.NAVIGATION_FIRST_MESSAGE, AQxmlConstants.NAVIGATION_NEXT_MESSAGE, AQxmlConstants.NAVIGATION_NEXT_TRANSACTION
JMS-00418: Invalid value for wait_time
Cause: Invalid value for wait type
Action: Wait time can be AQDequeueOption.WAIT_FOREVER, AQDequeueOption.WAIT_NONE or any value greater than 0
JMS-00419: invalid ConnectionPoolDataSource
Cause: A null or invalid ConnectionPoolDataSource was specified
Action: Specify a valid OracleConnectionPoolDataSource object with the correct url and user/password
JMS-00420: Invalid value for cache_size
Cause: An invalid cache_size was specified
Action: Cache size must be greater than 0
JMS-00421: Invalid value for cache_scheme
Cause: An invalid cache scheme was specified
Action: The valid cache schemes are OracleConnectionCacheImpl.DYNAMIC_SCHEME OracleConnectionCacheImpl.FIXED_WAIT_SCHEME
JMS-00422: Invalid tag - {0}
Cause: An invalid tag was encountered in the XML document
Action: Verify that the XML document conforms to the AQ schema
JMS-00423: Invalid value
Cause: An invalid value was specified
Action: Verify that the value specified in the XML document conforms to those specifid in the AQ schema
JMS-00424: Invalid message header
Cause: The message header specified is null or invalid
Action: Specify a valid message header
JMS-00425: Property name must be specified
Cause: Property name was null
Action: Specify a non-null property name
JMS-00426: Property does not exist
Cause: Invalid property name specified. The property does not exist
Action: The property does not exist
JMS-00427: Subscriber name must be specified
Cause: Subscriber name was null
Action: Specify a non-null subscription name
JMS-00428: Valid message must be specified
Cause: message was null
Action: Specify a non-null message
JMS-00429: Register Option must be specified
Cause: Register option is null
Action: Specify a non-null Register Option
JMS-00430: Database Link must be specified
Cause: DB Link is null
Action: Specify a non-null Register Option
JMS-00431: Sequence Number must be specified
Cause: Register option is null
Action: Specify a non-null Register Option
JMS-00432: Status must be specified
Cause: status option is null
Action: Specify a non-null Register Option
JMS-00433: User not authenticated
Cause: User is not authenticated
Action: Specify an authenticated user
JMS-00434: Invalid data source
Cause: Data source is null or invalid
Action: Specify a valid data source
JMS-00435: Invalid schema location
Cause: Schema location is null or invalid
Action: Specify a valid URL for the schema
JMS-00436: AQ Exception
Cause: An error occured in the AQ java layer
Action: See the message inside the AQxmlException and the linked exception for more information
JMS-00437: Invalid Destination
Cause: An invalid destination object was specified
Action: Specify a valid destination (Queue/Topic) object
JMS-00438: AQ agent {0} not mapped to a valid database user
Cause: The AQ agent specified does not map to a database user which has privileges to perform the requested operation
Action: Use dbms_aqadm.enable_db_access to map the agent to a database user with the required queue privileges
JMS-00439: Invalid schema document
Cause: The schema document specified is not valid
Action: Specify a valid URL for the schema document
JMS-00440: Invalid operations - agent {0} maps to more than one database user
Cause: The aq agent mapped to more than one database user in the the same session
Action: Map the aq agent to only one database user Check the aq$internet_users view for database users that map to this agent
JMS-00441: {0} cannot be null
Cause: The specified parameter was null
Action: Specify a non-null value
JMS-00442: Name and Address for Agent cannot be null
Cause: Both the name and address parameters were specified as null
Action: Specify a non-null value for the name or address
JMS-00443: IMMEDIATE visibility mode not supported for this queue/topic
Cause: IMMEDIATE visibility mode not supported for JMS type queue/topic
Action: Use ON_COMMIT or the default visibility mode for JMS type queue/topic
JMS-00444: This feature is not supported yet
Cause: The requested feature is not yet supported
Action: wait for future releases that support the feature.
JMS-00445: Destination alias must be specified
Cause: A null Destination alias was specified
Action: Specify a non-null destination alias
JMS-00446: Agent alias must be specified
Cause: A null Agent alias was specified
Action: Specify a non-null agent alias
JMS-00447: error in accessing LDAP server
Cause: error in accessing the LDAP server
Action: check the LDAP server is up and the environment parameters provided to the servlet are correct
JMS-00448: Invalid Content-Type
Cause: Invalid Content-Type
Action: Content-Type must be "text/xml" or "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" with parameter name "aqxmldoc"